2012年4月3日 星期二

embedded, embed, imbed, shale

 KKR: You've Got Shale
Love from private equity can be bittersweet. The flurry of deals and private equity's growing interest in E&P assets mark a shakeout. 
 Shale is a potential party companion who can be recruited from the town of Honnleath

embedded, enclosed within a frame narrative as a tale‐within‐the‐tale, like the pilgrims' stories in the Canterbury Tales, which are embedded within Chaucer's account of the journey to Canterbury.

also im·bed (ĭm-)

v., -bed·ded, also -bed·ded, -bed·ding, -bed·ding, -beds, -beds.v.tr.

  1. To fix firmly in a surrounding mass: embed a post in concrete; fossils embedded in shale.
  2. To enclose snugly or firmly.
  3. To cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole: "a minor accuracy embedded in a larger untruth" (Ian Jack).
  4. To assign (a journalist) to travel with a military unit during an armed conflict.
  5. Biology. To enclose (a specimen) in a supporting material before sectioning for microscopic examination.
To become embedded: The harpoon struck but did not embed.

n. (ĕm'bĕd')
One that is embedded, especially a journalist who is assigned to an active military unit.

embedment em·bed'ment n.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ʃéil]
[名][U]頁岩(けつがん), 泥板岩.

1 則留言:

  1. Google Pursues Role in Mobile Payments
    Google is teaming up with MasterCard and Citigroup to embed technology into Android mobile devices that will allow consumers to make purchases by waving their smartphone in front of a small reader at the cash register.

