The shift to hybrid working “has been perhaps the most radical change to office life since the introduction of the computer”, argues the Stanford economist. He believes society should embrace it
Why Hybrid Work Will Reign in 2023
Wharton management professor Martine Haas says now that hybrid work has been around for a while, companies need to spend the next year figuring out what works best and refining their policies.
The conjoined lives of Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan inspired this “hybrid novel”, which weaves documentary and imagination into its lyrical fabric
As an MSNBC Host, Sharpton Is a Hybrid Like No Other
In his 6 p.m. news show on MSNBC, Al Sharpton will be both a maker and a deliverer of the news.
Separately, private buyers of such cars can get subsidies of 3,000 renminbi from dealers. The subsidies will be available in Shanghai, Changchun, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Hefei. The cities are locations of headquarters for major automakers.
The program aims to “help promote faster technological innovation of automotive technology,” the Ministry of Finance said.
British automotive manufacturer Axon says it has come up with a newer eco-car that costs less and is even less harmful to the environment.
Hybrid electric cars like the Toyota Prius or the Honda Civic have received green accolades for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Although a lot of people are reluctant or unable to pay the hefty price tag for them. Now British car company Axon has introduced a new, and cheaper, challenger to market.
Report: Stephen Beard
Report: Stephen Beard
From this point onwards he led a hybrid life, partly in London, partly in California.
DAVID POGUE: The Volt, as I understand it, has both a gas and engine and electric motor. But it's not a Prius, right?
BOB LUTZ: No. What happens is in conventional hybrids is, there are very few batteries and they're just designed to give an electric assist. It's this constant interplay between gasoline and battery.
- 発音記号[háibrid]
1 (動植物の)雑種;(人間の)混血児[種]
a hybrid variety of sheep
2 (異質の要素の)合成物.
3 《言語学》混種語:異なった言語に由来する要素が結合してできた語(例:courtship仏語+英語, because英語+仏語). ⇒BLEND[名]2, CONTAMINATION 3, PORTMANTEAU WORD 汽車中油電共同型
hybrid securities