2016年5月27日 星期五

unnerving, street fighting, battered, stricken, rattle, crisis-rattled economies,

Samuel Pepys died on May 26th 1703. At a time when the world is emerging from the lethal shadow of the Ebola outbreak—and battling Zika—Pepys’s diary, with its rich detailing of an earlier plague, seems unnervingly fresh

  Outages Highlight Worries on Phone Networks
Local officials and first responders in storm-battered coastal New Jersey last week faced a daunting task: communicating with stricken residents whose cellphones and cable-company landline phone service didn't work.

In Culture of Graft, Russian Journalists Pay in Blood
Journalists, human rights activists and opposition leaders are being battered in a wave of unsolved attacks, an unnerving deterrent to those who question authority.

Thai Protesters Say They Are Ready to Negotiate
Leaders of the antigovernment protesters said Tuesday that they were prepared to open talks with the government to halt five days of street fighting. 

Italy Quake Rescue Extends to Artwork
After an aftershock rattled central Italy, rescue workers continue to dig through the rubble, as experts are thinking about how to save works of culture and art.

China Premier's gifts to Europe come with price-tags
Reuters India - Mumbai,India
By Chris Buckley BEIJING (Reuters) - China's Premier flies to Europe on Tuesday bearing vows of support for its crisis-rattled economies, ...

Intel’s Income Meets Expectations

Published: April 15, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO — Intel, the biggest semiconductor maker, reported solid global demand for its chips, soothing investor concerns that economic softness would rattle the technology industry.

Infantino Recalls Infant Rattles Due to Choking Hazard WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of Product: Infantino Lamb Grabby Rattles™ Units: About 2,000 Manufacturer: Infantino LLC, of San Diego, Calif. Hazard: The tail-piece on the rattles can detach, posing a choking hazard to young children. Incidents/Injuries: Infantino has received eight reports of the tail piece on the rattle detaching. No injuries have been reported.Description: The recalled Infantino Lamb Grabby Rattles™ are shaped like a lamb with an Infantino elliptical-shaped logo stamped on the front right foot of the lamb. Only rattles with date code 0907 printed on the back of the left ear of the lamb are included in the recall. The production batch code is printed in a dial format with the year in the middle of a circle and an arrow pointing to the number on the circle that indicates the month. Rattles that do not have a date code are not included in the recall. Sold at: Wal-Mart, Babies “R” Us and other specialty stores nationwide from September 2007 through February 2008 for between $3 and $4. Manufactured in: China Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled toys away from young children and contact Infantino for a replacement rattle or a product of equal value. Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Infantino toll-free at (888) 808-3111 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. PT or visit the firm’s Web site at service.infantino.com

rattle (WORRY) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to worry someone or make someone nervous:
The creaking upstairs was starting to rattle me.

Informal. To fluster; unnerve: The accident rattled me. See synonyms at embarrass.

echoism: onomatopoeia

rattle (SOUND) Show phonetics
1 [S] a sound similar to a series of quickly repeated knocks:
From across the town came the rattle of machine-gun fire.

2 [C] a toy which makes a noise like a series of knocks:
The baby was waving around a plastic rattle.

3 [C] a wooden device that when turned round and round produces a noise like a series of knocks

4 [C] the part of a rattlesnake's tail that produces a noise

rattle Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to (cause to) make a noise like a series of knocks:
The explosion rattled the cups on the table.
The dying man's voice rattled in his throat.
[+ adverb or preposition] The car rattled over the cobblestones.
My car engine is making a strange rattling noise.

  1. To deprive of fortitude, strength, or firmness of purpose.
  2. To make nervous or upset.
unnervingly un·nerv'ing·ly adv.

Make (someone) lose courage or confidence:(as adjective unnervingan unnerving experience


━━ vt. 勇気を失わせる; びっくりさせる.
 un・nerving ━━ a. 狼狽させる(ような), 気力をそぐような, びっくりさせるような.
un・nervingly ad. 驚くほど.

[形]1 殴られた, 虐待された a battered wife虐待された妻.2 〈物が〉使い古された, ぼろぼろになった a battered hatくしゃくしゃになった帽子.
battered child syndrome


