2015年2月23日 星期一

glorious, inglorious, unholy, outrageous, eyewear, to row, sluice

Victory’s inglorious launch might have been forgotten, since Allin soon retired on health grounds, except that the unsung hero Hartly Larkin wrote the story of “the dreadful consequence which must inevitably have happened to the ship”, and petitioned the navy for some reward, “he having a large family”. 

Perhaps Thailand’s longer-term prospects are not so bad. If foreign manufacturers move their plants, it will probably be to drier places in Thailand. The impact on the government is another matter. No one blames Ms Yingluck for the lapses in planning and water management that exacerbated this fiasco, let alone an unholy slew of rain this year. But her critics say she should have better co-ordinated the response. Little was done to force provincial governors to work out a common strategy. The prime minister and the governor of Bangkok have even rowed in public over which of them has authority to open particular sluice gates. Not a glorious start to Ms Yingluck’s term in office, and it is unclear that people’s memories of it will recede with the floodwaters.

row3 (rou) pronunciation
  1. A boisterous disturbance or quarrel; a brawl. See synonyms at brawl.
  2. An uproar; a great noise.
intr.v., rowed, row·ing, rows.
To take part in a quarrel, brawl, or uproar.

[Origin unknown.]

[名]1 せき;仕切弁(sluice valve);水門(sluice gate).2 せき水.3 (余分の水を流す)水路, 放水[排水]路;(材木などを流す)用水路.4 放水の流れ, 排水路の...

Moss Lipow
Hardcover, 24 x 24 cm (9.4 x 9.4 in.), 360 pages, $ 59.99

Optical opulence
500 years of spectacles ranging from classic to outrageous

An Unnatural Disaster

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the latest disaster to result from an unholy alliance of government and giant corporations. 

ingloriousLine breaks: in|glori¦ous
Pronunciation: /ɪnˈɡlɔːrɪəs 

Definition of inglorious in English:


1(Of an action or situationcausing shame or a loss of honour:an inglorious episode in British imperial history
2Not famous or renowned:inglorious though the peasants may have been, this is not synonymous with mute


mid 16th century: from Latin inglorius (from in-(expressing negation) + gloria 'glory') -ous.

-li·er, -li·est.
  1. Wicked; immoral.
  2. Not hallowed or consecrated.
  3. Informal. Outrageous: took unholy risks to win the downhill race.
unholily un·ho'li·ly adv.unholiness un·ho'li·ness n.
[形](-li・er, -li・est)((限定))
1 神聖でない, 不浄な, 汚れた;不信心な, 罪深い, 邪悪な

an unholy alliance
好 ましからざる同盟.
2 ((略式))ひどい, とんでもない

at an unholy price
法 外な値段で.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[autréidʒəs]

1 きわめて侮辱的な;著しく正義[良識]に反する, 非道な

outrageous language
2 けしからぬ, ふらちな, 法外な, ひどい, べらぼうな

an outrageous liar
at an outrageous price
with outrageous ease
3 狂暴な, 怒り狂った.
4 ぼう大な

outrageous amount of money
5 ((米俗))みごとな, すばらしい.


