2011年10月27日 星期四

amount to, turnout, steady and strong

Black Support for Obama Is Steady and Strong


Democrats say heavy turnout among African-American voters remains a challenge for 2012.

BEIJING — China is expected to issue regulations on Saturday requiring technology companies to disclose proprietary information like data-encryption keys and underlying software code to sell a range of security-related digital technology products to government agencies, American industry officials said on Friday.

But they said it remained unclear how vigorously Chinese officials would enforce the new rules, which already are watered down from a sweeping proposal first raised in 2007. Both the American and European technology industries have contended that the rules are unworkable and that they amount to trade protectionism.

amount to

1. Add up, develop into, as in Even though she's careful with her money, her savings don't amount to much, or All parents hope that their children will amount to something. [Mid-1500s]
2. Be equivalent to, as in Twenty persons won't amount to a good turnout. [Late 1300s] Also see amount to the same thing.

1 [C][U](会・投票・見せ物などへの)人出, 集まり, 出席(者の数);投票率
a high turnout
There was a large [a big, a good] turnout at the festival.
2 (一定期間の)(総)生産高[量]. ▼outputのほうが一般的.
3 起きること;(仕事への)召集, 出勤, 出動, (部屋・容器などを)からにすること, 整理すること;掃除.
4 身じたく, 着こなし;服装;(物の)装備(法).
5 (鉄道の)待避線;((米))(道路の)待避所;登坂車線(低速車専用道路).
6 《バレエ》ターンアウト:両足のかかとをつけて両脚を外側に向けること.
7 ((英))ストライキ;ストライキ参加者.
8 (馬・御者などを含めた)馬車.


