2014年7月12日 星期六

personality, personnel, unlikeness, unlikable, cult of personality, beefcake

WASHINGTON — A military investigation has concluded that American personnel made significant errors in carrying out some of the airstrikes in western Afghanistan on May 4 that killed dozens of Afghan civilians, according to a senior American military official.

his unlikeness to everyone else.
Yahoo CEO's Downfall
How the error in former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson's bio led to his resignation.
HIRE WIRE Yahoo's Levinsohn Brings Charm and Straight Talk to CEO Role
Interim Yahoo CEO Ross Levinsohn has wanted to run a company like Yahoo his entire career. Former colleagues and employees say he'll bring candor and a likable personality to the job. 
 Facebook's coming IPO has set off a frenzy of anticipation among investors desperate to get their hands on the stock. The social network raised its price range to $34 to $38 a share, resulting in a target valuation of up to $104 billion.

Within hours, everyone from the BBC to the tabloids seized on the story, apparently grateful for a bit of middle-aged beefcake in August, the slowest of news months.
Moscow invented the cult of personality, and Putin has long been touted as a kind of post-Soviet superman here.



Line breaks: per¦son|al¦ity
Pronunciation: /pəːsəˈnalɪti

NOUN (plural personalities)

1The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character: 人格、個性she had a sunny personality that was very engaging[MASS NOUN]: she has triumphed by sheer force of personality
1.1[MASS NOUN] Lively, engaging qualities:具吸引人的特質she’s always had loads of personality
2A celebrity or famous person:名人an official opening by a famous personality

3[MASS NOUN] ARCHAIC The quality or fact of being a person as distinct from a thing or animal.
4(personalitiesARCHAIC Disparaging remarks about an individual.


late Middle English (in sense 3): from Old Frenchpersonalite, from medieval Latin personalitas, from Latinpersonalis 'of a person' (see personal)sense 1 dates from the late 18th century.

cult of personality
An intense interest in or devotion to a person, idea, or activity. The phrase was originally used to describe the practice of totalitarian regimes in which a leader (e.g. Hitler) was elevated to a position of pre-eminence and presented as a source of all political wisdom, and the architect of all worthwhile political and social actions. The phrase has been applied to pre-eminent, famous sports personalities who have acquired a similar following.

N.人格 moral character;

Words17. 人格 [ren2ge2], n., (1) personal character, personality: 人格化 personify, -ication; (2) a legal entity.

Search for "personality" [Condition = Ignore case, Substring]

N.(2)  Person in regard to capability, personality, character: 人才 useful person;
Words9. 才力 [cai2li4], n., force of personality, spirit.

Words7. 丰儀 [feng1yi2], n., esteemed personality.

Words2. 博大 [bo2da4], adj., great (of scholarship, personality).

Words3. 勢派(兒) [shi4pai4] ([shi4pa4er0]), n., style of personality; pomp and circumstance.

Words1. 超拔 [chao1ba2], (1) adj., outstanding (personality); (2) v.t., (Budd.) to save from sin or hell.

N.(fig.) stinking personality: 薰蕕 the good and the bad.

N.(6)  Personal temperament, character, personality: 性情 [xing4qing2]↓;
Words4. 性氣 [xing4qi4]1, n., (MC) personality, temperament: 性氣很烈 of strong temperament; 性氣太壞 of very bad temper or character.
17. 性靈 [xing4ling2], n., soul, personality; 性靈文學 school of literature which emphasizes expression of personal views and feelings.

Words20. 王者 [wang2zhe3], n., a great king, a royal personality; 王者香 [wang2zhe3xiang1], n., name for the orchid or Epidendrum; n., 王者師 a teacher of kings.

N.(2)  Bone structure, type of personality, moral character: 風骨 a person's temperament and character;
Words23. 骨相 [gu3xiang4], n., a person's bone structure as indicating type of personality: 賤骨相 lazybones; s.o. not worthy of help; 骨相學 the study of bone structure as indicating character (as in phrenology).

Words12. 風趣 [feng1qU4], n., charm of personality: 此人甚有風趣 this man has an exceedingly charming personality.
14. 風調 [feng1diao4], n., tone or style (of personality, writing).
17. 風範 [feng1fan4], n., ideal or ideal personality.
19. 風概 [feng1gai4], n., inspiring personality.
23. 風骨 [feng1gu3], n., (exotic, strong) character; personality.
78. 風姿 [feng1zi1], n., looks: 風姿綽約 (of lady) charming appearance and personality.
79. 風味 [feng1wei4], n., flavor (of prose, personality, regional cooking).

Adj.Majestic (music, personality).

N.(3)  Stature, style of conduct: 風度 charm or style of personality;
器度不凡 uncommon personality;

Words8. 酒德 [jiu3de2], n., (1) winedrinking as a test of one's character and personality(2) unwritten rules observed by gentlemen drinkers.

Words24. 美談 [mei3tan2], n., an anecdote concerning some well-known personality.

Words17. 人格 [ren2ge2], n., (1) personal character, personality: 人格化 personify, -ication; (2) a legal entity.

Words1. 鉅公 [jU4gong1], n., (1) (AC) His Imperial Highness, the king; (2) a person of great authority, a leading personality.

N.氣質 born capacity, personality (generous, mean, etc.). 

Words2. 近情 [jin4qing2], adj., human (personality, philosophy), consistent with human feelings.

Words1. 雋拔 [jUn4ba2], adj., (of mountain peak) towering; (personality) distinguished, outstanding.

N.氣魄 energetic personality, great style of personality;

Words30. 多采(彩)多姿 [duo1cai3duo1zi1], adj., magnificent, impressive, many-faceted (personality, performance).

Words2. 逸群 [yi4qUn2], adj., excellent, outstanding, surpassing (personality).

Words1. 篤厚 [du3hou4], adj., sincere, solid (personality).

    1. The body of persons employed by or active in an organization, business, or service.
    2. (used with a pl. verb) Persons.
  1. An administrative division of an organization concerned with the body of persons employed by or active in it and often acting as a liaison between different departments.
[French, from Old French, personal, from Latin persōnālis. See personality.]

The quality or condition of being unlike. See synonyms at difference.

Meaning #1: (of characters in literature or drama) tending to evoke antipathetic feelings
Synonyms: unsympathetic, unappealing, unlikable
Meaning #2: difficult or impossible to like
Synonym: unlikable


