2022年1月4日 星期二

technical, methodology, advocacy to corporations

Yale wins the second half, but we're told that technically that doesn't matter. Duke prevails 71-64. Terrific game, Bulldogs! It was a great and historic run.

衛生署食品藥物管理局副組長馮潤蘭說,財政部國庫署是主管機關,衛生署願提供協助。 財政部國庫署副組長謝瑞陽指出,由於世界各國並未強制要求啤酒瓶身須標示熱量,若蔡煌瑯要修法強制,在台灣身為世界貿易組織(WTO)成員的情況下,恐被質疑是一項技術性貿易障礙,

Japan May Be Forced to Declare a Technical Recession, FT Says

The White House said the following were recipients of the National Medal of Science, which was authorized by Congress in 1959:...
W. EDWARDS DEMING, private consultant, for ''his forceful promotion of statistical methodology, for his contributions to sampling theory and for his advocacy to corporations.''

W. EDWARDS DEMING, private consultant, for ''his forceful promotion of statistical methodology, for his contributions to sampling theory and for his advocacy to corporations.''

advocate (SUPPORT) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something:
[+ ing form of verb] She advocates taking a more long-term view.
He advocates the return of capital punishment.

noun [C]
He's a strong advocate of state ownership of the railways.

advocacy Show phonetics
noun [U]
She is renowned for her advocacy of human rights.━━ n. 弁護; 主張.
advocacy journalism 特定の主義を擁護する報道(機関).
advocacy journalist 特定の主義を擁護するジャーナリスト.

Bloomberg - USA
3 (Bloomberg) -- The government of Japan may have to announce that the nation has entered a technical recession, the Financial Times reported. ...

methodology Line breaks: meth¦od|ology
Pronunciation: /mɛθəˈdɒlədʒi/

Definition of methodology in English:

noun (plural methodologies)

A system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity:a methodology for investigating the concept of focal points[MASS NOUN]: courses in research methodology and practice
  • He would not reveal the research methodology of the new system, which would be unveiled in a few weeks.
  • Studies using different methodologies and outcome measures have given contrasting results.
  • The sociology of music is diverse in its approaches, its methodologies, and its areas of focus.



  • In the view of some methodologists, the validity of a measure ought to be gauged by comparing it to measures of the same concept developed through other methods.
  • I'm no research methodologist, but how in the name of fortune could you frame appropriate questions?
  • Furthermore, economic methodologists have created an in-house adaptation of terminology and a way of arguing which makes even the well-intentioned philosopher-listener lost.


Early 19th century: from modern Latin methodologia or French méthodologie.

1 relating to the knowledge, machines or methods used in science and industry:
a few technical problems

2 relating to the knowledge and methods of a particular subject or job:
Personally, I found some parts of the book a little too technical to follow.

3 relating to practical skills and methods that are used in a particular activity:
In her performance as the Snow Queen she showed great technical brilliance.

technically Show phonetics
technically advanced weaponsadj.
  1. Of, relating to, or derived from technique.
    1. Having special skill or practical knowledge especially in a mechanical or scientific field: a technical adviser.
    2. Used in or peculiar to a specific field or profession; specialized: technical terminology.
    1. Belonging or relating to a particular subject: technical expertise.
    2. Of, relating to, or involving the practical, mechanical, or industrial arts or the applied sciences: a technical school.
    1. Abstract or theoretical: a technical analysis.
    2. Of, relating to, or employing the methodology of science; scientific.
  2. According to principle; formal rather than practical: a technical advantage.
  3. Industrial and mechanical; technological.
  4. Relating to or based on analysis of market indicators, such as trading volume and fluctuations in securities prices, rather than underlying economic conditions such as corporate earnings, inflation, and unemployment: a technical correction in the stock market.
n. Sports.
A technical foul.
[From Greek tekhnikos, of art, from tekhnē, art.]
technically tech'ni·cal·ly adv.
technicalness tech'ni·cal·ness n.

1 技術上の, 技芸上の
technical skill
2 専門的な;専門用語使用の;(…について)細かな点まで具体的な((about ...))
technical terms
3 (技芸・職業に)熟達した, 精通した.
4 工業技術の, 応用科学の
technical advances
5 厳密な法解釈に従う;法則上からみた
in the technical sense
6 〈市況が〉人為操作的な.
7 技術的にむずかしい
a technical ski run

テクニカル [technical]

  • (形動)
    • (1)専門の分野にかかわるさま。専門的。学術上の。
    • (2)技術に関係のあるさま。技術的。


*南北韓在1953年簽署的是停戰協議而非和平條約,依據國際公法,南北韓『技術上』(technically)仍然處於交戰狀態。(什麼技術? 開槍射擊或開炮猛轟或發射飛彈的技術?製造戰機、戰艦或核彈的技術?錯得離譜,完全不通。)
*日本在舊金山和約第二條聲明放棄臺灣主權,並未明言割讓予特定國家,『技術上來說』(technically),台灣主權未定。(什麼技術? 畫地圖的技術或測量土地經緯度的技術?錯得離譜,完全不通。)
*柯林頓並未和希拉蕊離婚,他性好美色且喜歡把妹上床,『技術上』 (technically),他觸犯通姦。(什麼技術? 把妹技術或性愛技術? 錯得離譜,根本就是胡亂翻譯。)
*福原愛與江宏傑的離婚尚未生效,就在橫濱與高富帥男人開房間過夜,『技術上』,她搞不倫戀。(什麼技術? 用Google Map找汽車旅館的技術?劈腿技術? 性愛姿勢變換技術?錯得離譜,根本就是胡亂翻譯。)//
評介三本有關英語起源與發展的書,並談談華人譯者的死穴:be responsible for、technically以及其他
評介三本有關英語起源與發展的書,並談談華人譯者的死穴:be responsible for、technically以及其他
評介三本有關英語起源與發展的書,並談談華人譯者的死穴:be responsible for、technically以及其他 丁連財的翻譯與出版研究評論 以『英語的故事』、『英語的起源與發展』、『英語語言演進史』、『英語語言學史』、『英語的家.....


