2012年7月17日 星期二

inoculation, neutralize, preempt

China's Challenge at Sea

Rather than trying to match American power in the Pacific ship for ship, Beijing has sought more cost-effective ways to neutralize it.

Salk Administers  His Vaccine
Salk Administers
His Vaccine
What was the difference between the Salk and Sabin vaccines? Both vaccines were used to immunize against polio. Biologist Jonas Salk developed his Salk vaccine — an inoculation of dead polio bacteria — that was released for general use fifty-five years ago today. Albert Sabin, believing that the polio virus lived in the intestines, created an oral vaccine based on live polio bacteria which would be ingested orally on a sugar cube. Although Salk's vaccine did prove to be more effective and safer, Sabin's became more commonly used worldwide. US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who died on this date in 1945, became a victim of polio at the age of 39. Though he was partially paralyzed from the waist down, FDR did regain some use of his legs. He was instrumental in establishing and promoting the March of Dimes Foundation, which helped to fund the work of Salk and others searching for a way to immunize against the insidious disease.

"I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams."Jonas Salk

China preempts Apple on iPhone 5 launch
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Apple Inc's next-generation iPhone has not even been released yet, but opportunistic sellers on China's largest e-commerce platform, Taobao, are already accepting pre-orders,


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[priémpt]
1 ((米))〈土地を〉先買権を得るために占有する.
2 …を人より先に手に入れる, 先占する.
3 〈予想される事態を〉先手を打って回避する;((米))予定されていた番組に取って代わる.

in·oc·u·la·tion (ĭ-nŏk'yə-lā'shən) pronunciation
  1. The act or an instance of inoculating, especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
  2. Informal. A preemptive advertising tactic in which one party attempts to foresee and neutralize potentially damaging criticism from another party by being the first to confront troublesome issues.

1 (予防)接種
have an inoculation against ...
2 (思想などの)植えつけ, 注入, 感化.
3 予防戦術:選挙戦における政治家の宣伝広告で, 対立候補から攻撃されそうな材料について自分のほうからあらかじめその対処法を打ち出すこと.
4 《農業》(窒素固定を促進するための)土壌改良.


  • [njúːtrəlàiz | njúː-]
1 …を中立にする;〈色を〉くすんだ色にする.
2 〈努力などを〉無効にする;…を相殺する, 帳消しにする.
3 《言語学》…を中和する.
4 《化学》…を中和する, 中性にする;《電気》…を中性化する.
5 《軍事》〈敵陣を〉制圧する.
6 …の中立を宣言する, を中立化する.
━━(自)中和する, 中性になる.


