2012年6月10日 星期日

Woe betide you, in additional capital

I.M.F. Releases Report to Push Spain to Take Bailout

In a report released Friday night, the International Monetary Fund said Spanish banks would need nearly $50 billion in additional capital.

Woe betide anyone who got in his way.

Woe betide you

A prediction, usually expressed as a warning following someone's bad behaviour, that you may suffer future misfortune.

be·tide (bĭ-tīd') pronunciation
v., -tid·ed, -tid·ing, -tides. v.tr.
To happen to.

To take place; befall. See synonyms at happen.

[Middle English bitiden : bi-, be- + tiden, to happen (from Old English tīdan; see tide2).]

Meaning #1: become of; happen to
Synonyms: befall, bechance


