“I find the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an outrage and an insult to the voters,” he told the FT, before adding that the US public deserved “a lot better”.
Banality and bathos are the stock-in-trade … Photograph: Olivier Middendorp
Facebook's News Feed Suffers From the Banality of the Crowd
Banality and bathos are the stock-in-trade … Photograph: Olivier Middendorp
Facebook's News Feed Suffers From the Banality of the Crowd
According to ICP’s Maya Benton, who curated Rediscovered, Vishniac’s known body of work is really a narrow (albeit excellent) entry point to a much broader appreciation of his vast and varied archive. A mere one to two percent of his photos have ever been published, Benton points out, suggesting that the exhibition’s broad scope — including his work in photo microscopy, personal correspondence and other treasures — will be a revelation not only to the uninitiated, but to those who might have felt that they already knew all there was to know about the long-unheralded master.
recondite charm
- [rékəndàit]
1 深遠で理解できない, 難解な
the recondite field of theoretical mathematics
2 ほとんど知られていない, 不鮮明な;秘められた.
[名]pa·thos (pā'thŏs', -thôs')
- A quality, as of an experience or a work of art, that arouses feelings of pity, sympathy, tenderness, or sorrow.
- The feeling, as of sympathy or pity, so aroused.
[Greek, suffering.]
ba·thos (bā'thŏs', -thôs')
- An abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect.
- An anticlimax.
- Insincere or grossly sentimental pathos: "a richly textured man who . . . can be . . . sentimental to the brink of bathos" (Kenneth L. Woodward).
- Banality; triteness.
[Greek, depth, from bathus, deep.]
Britain's second so-called “great debate” last Thursday between the men who seek to lead the country was heralded as historic. In fact, it was a disingenuous display of the ability of practised politicians to pretend that they know the solution for the UK's major economic and political problems and that the country has reason to be hopeful about the future if it chooses wisely in May. In seeking to show themselves presidential, neither Gordon Brown, nor his principal adversary, the Conservative leader David Cameron, showed wit or wisdom. Both struggled to prove that they were reliable, the all-important quality. Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, the new boy on the block, proved himself an attractive, articulate debater. Not one of the three showed a command of foreign or domestic policy and, although all promised change, their proposals for domestic and foreign affairs reform were banal and mostly rhetorical.
上周四,几位寻求成为英国领导人的竞选者进行了第二场所谓的“大辩论”,这场辩论被称为是历史性的。实际上,它是老练政客虚伪的表演秀——他们假装知道如 何解决英国主要的经济问题和政治问题,并佯称如果英国在5月份做出明智选择的话,就有理由对未来充满希望。在试图展示自己的总统素质方面,戈登•布朗 (Gordon Brown)和其主要竞争对手保守党领袖大卫•卡梅伦(David Cameron)都没有表现出风趣或智慧,都难以证明自己是值得信赖的——这是至关重要的一项素质。作为一位参选的新人,自由民主党领袖尼克•克莱格 (Nick Clegg)证明了自己是一位富有魅力,能言善辩的辩手。这三人都没有表现出自己精通外交政策和国内政策,尽管他们都承诺变革,但他们对国内事务和外交事 务改革的提议缺乏新意,而且大多数华而不实。
Drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite: "Blunt language cannot hide a banal conception" (James Wolcott).
[French, from Old French, shared by tenants in a feudal jurisdiction, from ban, summons to military service, of Germanic origin.]
banalize ba·nal'ize' v.banally ba·nal'ly adv.
USAGE NOTE The pronunciation of banal is not settled among educated speakers of American English. Sixty years ago, H.W. Fowler recommended the pronunciation (băn'əl, rhyming with panel), but this pronunciation is now regarded as recondite by most Americans: no member of the Usage Panel prefers this pronunciation. In our 2001 survey, (bənăl') is preferred by 58 percent of the Usage Panel, (bā'nəl) by 28 percent, and (bə-näl') by 13 percent (this pronunciation is more common in British English). Some Panelists admit to being so vexed by the problem that they tend to avoid the word in conversation. Speakers can perhaps take comfort in knowing that these three pronunciations each have the support of at least some of the Usage Panel and that none of them is incorrect. When several pronunciations of a word are widely used, there is really no right or wrong one.
1. put or go on the block. Offer for sale, as in These paintings will all be put on the block. This usage alludes to the auction block, the platform from which the auctioneer sells, so called since the mid-1800s.
2. put one's head on the block. Take a great risk, make oneself vulnerable, as in I'm not going to put my head on the block just to save her reputation. This usage alludes to the executioner's block, on which victims are beheaded, so called since the mid-1500s.
- heraldの変化形
- heralds (複数形) • heralded (過去形) • heralded (過去分詞) • heralding (現在分詞) • heralds (三人称単数現在)
1 ((もと))王[公式]の使者, 軍使, 使者, 伝令.
4 (中世の)紋章官.
2 …を報道する, 布告[告知]する;…を予告する
a publicity campaign to herald a new film
Syllabification: (her·ald)
Pronunciation: /ˈherəld/
Translate herald | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun
[with object]Origin:
Middle English: from Old French herault (noun), herauder (verb), of Germanic originunheralded
Syllabification: (un·her·ald·ed)
Pronunciation: /ˌənˈherəldid/