2019年4月13日 星期六

'Curling-type' rookies, awe, fightback, curling bronze, freethinking individuals

For Carnegie Mellon alumna Jillian Walker, first it was a master’s degree from CMU, then a position with NanoString Technologies. Next…a bid for Olympic curling gold?

Curling Champ-CMU News - Carnegie Mellon University

A senior regulatory specialist by day, Carnegie Mellon University alumna…


China show passion to hold off Swiss for bronze

Washington Post

By Jeffrey Jones VANCOUVER (Reuters) - China withstood a fightback by Switzerland and a week-long emotional roller-coaster to win the women's curling bronze ...

Tough though the recent sentences of activists have been, they are hardly out of keeping with the leadership’s approach to dissent in recent years. This has involved giving a bit of leeway to freethinking individuals, but occasionally punishing those seen as straying too far.

Definition of curling. : a game in which two teams of four players each slidecurling stones over a stretch of ice toward a target circle.

Curling is a sport in which players slide stones on a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles. It is related to bowls, boules and shuffleboard.

Curling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


'Curling-type' rookies, awe

The job market favors jobseekers now, and this year's newcomers are said to have "glided" smoothly to gainful employment. Perhaps because of this, they are nicknamed the "curling type" after the wintry sport played on ice where competitors use a broom to guide along a polished flat-bottomed rock. According to the Japan Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development, which came up with this moniker, these new recruits may feel discouraged and slow down or even lose their motivation to keep going if people around them stop working their brooms, so to speak.

'Curling-type' rookies should be held in awe


━━ n. 〔俗〕 新兵; 〔米〕 【野】新人選手, ルーキー; 新米.

In China, winter sports are associated with the country’s bluff, hard-living north-east
Definition of curling. : a game in which two teams of four players each slidecurling stones over a stretch of ice toward a target circle.


Need a metaphor for a rising China? Try its national curling squad
It helps that the sport is seen in China as a chess-like activity for brainy folk


noun [U]

a game played on ice in which special flat round stones are slid towards a mark

curling squad 冰壺隊


━━ n. カーリング ((氷上競技)); 頭髪のカール, ちぢらすこと.

curling irons [tongs] ヘアアイロン.

curling stone カーリングで使う石盤.


Definition of curling. : a game in which two teams of four players each slidecurling stones over a stretch of ice toward a target circle."We should be in awe of the younger generation,後生可畏." warned an ancient Chinese sage What he meant was that since young people are filled with potential, nobody knows what heights of greatness they may achieve, so we ought to hold them in awe and respect.


noun [U]

a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise:

I've always held musicians in awe.

As children we were rather in awe of our grandfather.

You can't help but stand in awe of (= respect greatly and fear slightly) powerful people.


verb [T] UK aweing or US awing

I was awed but not frightened by the huge gorilla.

Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century.

The audience was awed into silence by her stunning performance.



We stood there in awed silence.

"How does she manage to run so fast at her age?" he asked in awed tones.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


n. - 回擊, 反擊


