Pippa Middleton tells Boris Johnson 'bring it on' for ping-pong ...
2 days ago – But Boris Johnson's acceptance of a challenge from Pippa Middleton to a ... The Spectator's gossip columnist later tweeted: "Boris V Pippa.Canberra: colorful politician King O'Malley drove in the stake which marked the beginning of the development of Australia's capital city (1913)
O'Malley became Minister for Home Affairs, and played a prominent role in selecting the site of the future capital of Australia, Canberra. He declared American architect Walter Burley Griffin winner of the town planning competition. On 20 February 1913, O'Malley drove in the first peg which marked the start of the development of the city. He was also present at the ceremony for the naming of Canberra on 12 March 1913.
━━ n. くい; 火刑柱; (the 〜) 火刑, 火あぶり; 賭(かけ); (時にpl.) 賭金, 懸賞金; (pl., 時にStakes) ((単数扱い)) 懸賞競馬; 出資金; (金銭上の)利害関係 (have a 〜 in).
━━ vt. くいに縛る[で刺す]; くいで仕切る[囲う] ((out, off, in)); 棒で支える; 賭ける ((on)).
Theater Review
Falling in Love, Footstep by Footstep
"Nice Work if You Can Get It" is a homage to a host of Jazz Age musicals in which outlandish plots were mere pegboards for songs, dances, gags and idiosyncratic star turns.
- pegboard
- [名]1 (ゲームなどに用いる)くぎ差し盤.2 ハンガーボード.
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[pég]
[名]1 (木・金属などの)くぎ, 目くぎ, 掛けくぎ;(テントの)くい, ペグ;(登山用の)ハーケン;(たるなどの)栓, 止めくぎ;(エビなどを捕まえる)鉤(かぎ)
a coat peg
上着掛け.2 ((略式))足, 脚;木製の義足;義足の人;((方言))(子供の)歯.3 ((略式))(評価などの)階級, 等級, 位, 段階
the topmost peg
最高位come down a peg
評判が落ちる.4 理由, 口実
He doesn't have a peg to hang that excuse on.
その言い訳を裏づける証拠がない.5 《音楽》(弦楽器の)糸巻き(pin).6 ((略式))《野球》送球.7 《経済》ペッグ:為替レートなどの設定水準.8 ((英))アルコール飲料;ハイボール.9 ((英))洗濯ばさみ(clothes-peg).a peg on which to hang ...…を持ち出すよい口実.a round peg in a square hole / a square peg in a round hole不適格者.be on the peg((俗))拘留されている.off the peg((略式))〈衣服が〉既製で[の], 「つるし」の.take [bring] a person down a peg (or two)〈人を〉やり込める, 〈人の〉鼻っ柱を折る.━━[動](〜ged, 〜・ging)(他)1 …に(木)くぎ[くい]を打つ;…を(木)くぎで止める((down))
peg down a tent
くいで止めてテントを張る.2 ((英))…を洗濯ばさみで止める((up, out)).3 …にくいで境界をつける((out)).4 〈物価などを〉安定させる;〈株価・為替レートなどを〉一定水準に維持する, 抑える.5 …にねらいをつける;((略式))《野球》〈ボールを〉(…に)投げる((at, to ...));〈走者を〉刺す.6 〈記事などを〉(…に)基づかせる, かこつける((on ...)).7 ((米略式))…を(…と)認める, 分類[鑑定]する((as ...))
I've got him pegged.
彼の正体がわかった.8 《トランプ》〈点を〉(記録棒で)つける.9 〈人を〉けなす, くそみそに言う(trash).━━(自)1 [peg away at A]((略式))〈A(仕事など)を〉せっせとする, 根気よく続ける. ▼受身不可
peg away at piano practice
ピアノの練習をせっせとやる.2 急ぐ.3 ((略式))《野球》ボールを投げる.4 《トランプ》記録棒で点をつける.peg ... down/peg down ...(1) ⇒(他)1
(2) 〈人を〉拘束する.peg it((米俗))死ぬ.
▼peg outより現代的.peg out(自)((略式))
(1) 死ぬ, 破滅する;〈エンジンなどが〉止まる.
(2) 〈物資などが〉尽きる.━━(他)[中オランダ語. 原義は「突起物」]
[peg ... out/peg out ...]⇒(他)3
bring it (on)