2012年7月7日 星期六

alimony, tot, contribute time and energy, pregnancy-support alimony

Op-Ed Contributor
Responsibility Begins at Conception

Men who conceive with a woman to whom they are not married should pay pregnancy-support alimony, or "preglimony."

Campaign Spotlight
Shaq-a-Claus Returns to Toys for Tots Campaign
By JANE L. LEVERE 30 minutes ago
Shaquille O'Neal has retired from the N.B.A., but will continue to contribute time and energy to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.


(tŏt) pronunciation
  1. A small child.
  2. A small amount, as of liquor.
[Origin unknown.]

tot2 (tŏt) pronunciation
tr.v., tot·ted, tot·ting, tots.
To total: totted up the bill.


 (ăl'ə-mō') pronunciation
n., pl., -nies.
  1. Law. An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
  2. A means of livelihood; maintenance.
[Latin alimōnia, sustenance, from alere, to nourish.]


  • 発音記号[ǽləmòuni | -mə-]
1 《法律》離婚給付, 離婚[別居]扶養料;離婚[別居]後扶養. ▼米国の州によってはまれに夫が受けることもある
an alimony drone
2 扶養.

Fathers' shortcomings, on the other hand, are often sins of omission rather than commission. In this age of unpaid alimony, workaholics and elderly fathers doting on the tots of their second families, there's plenty of animus to go around.
Texas: Jack would love the Lone Star State, which has never recognized alimony, though it does allow for very limited "spousal maintenance" payments if a husband or wife is clearly in need ("needing" a jet doesn't count).
Indiana: "Normally, three years of alimony is all you get," Turner says. That's a "phenomenal advantage" for rich executives.

From the 1960's on, a handful of courts permitted transsexuals to change their names. In 1976, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court ruled in an alimony dispute involving a male-to-female transsexual that the person could be called female in the case of that particular marriage.

Massachusetts: The liberal home of Smith College has a history of giving big awards to women.
California: Fifty-fifty is the law. And with celebrity divorces the norm, you won't get laughed out of court for claiming to need a carload of cash.


