2016年3月11日 星期五

subsistence, subsistence, sustentation, all-devouring, farming with an income

There is a goat trying to find sustenance in some aged grass. The headmaster has embezzled the school funds and is suspended, arousing the question familiar to all of us but usually in more august contexts: How is it these people behave like this when they must know everyone is watching them?

"Has it ever occurred to you that life is all memory? Except for each present moment that goes by so quickly you can hardly catch it?"
--Flora 'Sissy' Goforth (Elizabeth Taylor) in "Boom!"
Boom! (1968) British drama film starring Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Noël Coward, directed by Joseph Losey, and adapted from the play "The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore" by Tennessee Williams.

sustentation Pronunciation (noun) The act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence.
Synonyms:maintenance, sustainment, sustenance, upkeep
Usage:In her heart, as in his, there gnawed ever an all-devouring hunger to work land of their own, a fervent aspiration to establish a solid basis of self-sustentation upon which their children might build.

sustentation Pronunciation (noun) The act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence.
Synonyms: maintenance, sustainment, sustenance, upkeep
Usage: In her heart, as in his, there gnawed ever an all-devouring hunger to work land of their own, a fervent aspiration to establish a solid basis of self-sustentation upon which their children might build.

 And I think it creates huge economic opportunity in places like sub-Saharan Africa, as farmers go from subsistence farming to farming with an income.

  1. 1.
    eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly.
    "he devoured half of his burger in one bite"

  2. 2.
    read quickly and eagerly.
    "she spent her evenings devouring the classics"


Line breaks: sub¦sist|ence
Pronunciation: /səbˈsɪst(ə)ns/


[mass noun]
  • 1the action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself, especially at a minimal level: the minimum income needed for subsistence
  • 1.1the means of maintaining or supporting oneself: the garden provided not only subsistence but a little cash crop

  • 1.2 [as modifier] denoting or relating to production at a level sufficient only for one’s own use or consumption, without any surplus for trade: subsistence agriculture

chiefly Law the state of remaining in force or effect: rights of occupation normally only continue during the subsistence of the marriageMore examp
[名]1 必要最低限の生活;生計, 暮し;生活手段.2 [U]存在, 生存;実在.3 扶養, 飼養.4 《哲学》自体的存在, 時間を超越した存在.
subsistence allowance
subsistence crop
subsistence diet
subsistence farming
subsistence level
subsistence money
subsistence wage


