Google 'not in cahoots with NSA' - chief legal officer answers your questions
The Guardian
Due to this troubling disclosure that Google is providing user data to the NSA, I will cease using Google Mail, and use non-tracked search tools like duckduckgo. I, like millions of other Americans have nothing to hide, but we value our basic privacy ...
That, however, is not how many Chinese see the film, which tells the story of rapacious humans trying to evict the blue-skinned natives of the planet Pandora in order to extract some exceedingly valuable mineral. This is standard politically correct fare for a Western audience, conveying a message of racial sensitivity and environmental awareness. In China, however, it has more rebellious undertones.
That’s because Chinese local governments in cahoots with developers have become infamous for forcibly seeking to evict residents from their homes with little compensation and often without their consent. More often, however, they are driven away by paid thugs. Private property is one of the most sensitive issues in the country today, and "Avatar" has given the resisters a shot in the arm.
Even in Hong Kong, the "Avatar" banner has been taken up by antigovernment activists trying to defeat a plan to demolish a village to make way for a new high-speed railway line. One mysterious benefactor reportedly donated movie tickets to the villagers to stoke their enthusiasm for protests.
rapacious:形容詞,指貪婪的、強取的,如a rapacious landlord/businessman(貪婪的房東/商人)。
ra·pa·cious (rə-pā'shəs)
- Taking by force; plundering.
- Greedy; ravenous. See synonyms at voracious.
- Subsisting on live prey.
[From Latin rapāx, rapāc-, from rapere, to seize.]
rapaciously ra·pa'cious·ly adv.rapacity ra·pac'i·ty (rə-păs'ĭ-tē) or ra·pa'cious·ness n.
undertone:名詞,指文章、話語或某事件的潛在含意,如I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.(我認為她的那番話帶有些許惡意。)
in cahoots with:cahoots為名詞,指合夥、同謀,in cahoots with指與他人合夥圖謀不軌,如It’s reckoned that someone in the government was in cahoots with the assassin.(外界認為政府內部有人與刺客同謀。)
in league with
Also, in cahoots with. In close cooperation or in partnership with, often secretly or in a conspiracy. For example, "For anybody on the road might be a robber, or in league with robbers" (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, 1859), or We suspect that the mayor is in cahoots with the construction industry. The first term dates from the mid-1500s. The variant, a colloquialism dating from the early 1800s, may come from the French cahute, "a small hut or cabin," and may allude to the close quarters in such a dwelling.
ca·hoots (kə-hūts')
pl.n. Informal
Questionable collaboration; secret partnership: an accountant in cahoots with organized crime.
[Perhaps from French cahute, cabin, from Old French, possibly blend of cabane. See cabin, and hutte. See hut.]
a shot in the arm
A stimulus or booster, something vitalizing or encouraging, as in Getting a new concertmaster was a real shot in the arm for the orchestra. This colloquial expression alludes to a stimulant given by injection. [c. 1920]
The Concertmaster (American English) or leader (British English) is the most important violinist in an orchestra. He or she will sit in the front seat, by the conductor's left. The word concertmaster comes from the German Konzertmeister.樂團首席,通常指管弦樂團中的首席小提琴手,也經常是副指揮。
Pronunciation: /kəˈhuːts/
Definition of cahoots
(in phrase in cahoots) informal
colluding or conspiring together secretly:the area is dominated by guerrillas in cahoots with drug traffickers