2013年7月9日 星期二

Offshoots, lay claim, head-hunted, Spaniard

Spaniards Fight to Get Savings Back

Many Spaniards have seen their nest eggs virtually wiped out in what critics call a deceptive and possibly fraudulent sales campaign by banks.

Page 205 In America, for example, the Vitagraph Company laid claim to…
Page 207claim only a British company could make ... Between the two…

Page 207 …Bentley became the first British talent to be head-hunted by Holly…

Page 213 …were cheap alternatives to full-size sets and expensive shoots ...

Al Qaeda off-shoot says it abducted four Westerners

he North African arm of the terrorist group al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for last month's kidnapping of three Spaniards and a Frenchman in Mauritania and Mali.

Offshoots are lateral shoots that are produced on the main stem of a plant. They may be known colloquially as "suckers". Also see basal shoot.
━━ n. 分枝; 支脈; 支流; 支道; 分派; 分家, 傍系.

 Definition of Spaniard
Pronunciation: /ˈspanyəd/


  • a native or inhabitant of Spain, or a person of Spanish descent.


Middle English: shortening of Old French Espaignart, from Espaigne 'Spain'


