The Aura HD also offers unprecedented control over how text is displayed. While many people may be content reading 12-point Helvetica, bibliophiles will appreciate the ability to fine-tune font weight, line-spacing and even the sharpness of each character. The Aura HD has other best-in-class features, like remarkably even lighting (the illumination of the lighted Kindle and Nook models is splotchy, by comparison) and, thanks to a zippy 1-GHz processor, faster page-turns and a more responsive touch-screen.
They found older adults generally make the best of the time they have left and have learned to avoid situations that make them feel sad or stressed. The young should do the same, they told the American Psychological Association.
make the best of:片語,充分利用。例句:We should make the best of this valuable opportunity.(我們應該充分利用這個寶貴的機會。)
Also, make the best of a bad bargain. Adapt as well as possible to a bad situation, bad luck, or similar circumstances, as in Jeff ended up in a cabin without his friends, but decided to make the best of it, or She got the worst possible position, but Dad told her to make the best of a bad bargain. The first term dates from the first half of the 1600s. The second appeared in John Ray's proverb collection of 1670 and coexisted for a time with variants such as make the best of a bad game and make the best of a bad market, which have died out.
Use to the greatest advantage, as in She planned to make the most of her trip to Europe, or The class quickly made the most of the teacher's absence. This expression was first recorded in 1526.
best-in-class 顧名思義就是同類產品中最好的