2023年9月20日 星期三

heap scorn on, have a thing for, posthumous

Awarding Rosalind Franklin a Nobel Prize posthumously for her role in DNA discovery is the honorable—and scientific—thing to do 

"Not too bright", "Liar", "Tactless", "Big Baby", "Anti-social", "Has a thing for boys" and "Sick-o" were some of the descriptions on an Excel spreadsheet that landed in students’ email boxes.

French intellectuals have heaped scorn on a proposal by Nicolas Sarkozy to bestow the country’s greatest posthumous honour upon the writer Albert Camus, accusing the rightwing president of trying to cash in on the thinker’s popularity with little respect for his politics or personality.

heap/pour scorns on sb/sth:蔑視、嘲笑某事或某人,如Critics of the President have been pouring scorn on the plan ever since it was first proposed.(自從總統首度提出這項計畫後,批評者就不斷對其冷嘲熱諷。)
If you pour scorn on someone or something or heap scorn on them, you say that you think they are stupid and worthless.
pour scorn on/ heap scorn on phrase V inflects (=deride)
It is fashionable these days to pour scorn on those in public life..., He used to heap scorn on Dr Vazquez's socialist ideas.

cash in on sth:片語,指自某事或某狀況中謀利、以不當手法佔便宜,如Should the families of criminals be allowed to cash in on their crimes by selling stories to the papers?(罪犯的家屬難道可藉著把犯罪故事賣給報紙,乘機從他們的罪行中大撈一筆嗎?)

 have a thing for:片語,對……有意思、喜歡。例句:He has a thing for Japanese girls. (他對日本女生特別有興趣。)


