2023年6月3日 星期六

tínder, trot out, tínderbòx, pull-off, jinxed, hijinx

The East 15 Acting School street theatre festival is back for it's eighth year, bringing all sorts of comedy hijinx, dance and circus acts to Southend High Street.

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, posted a video online showing him emptying a bucket of ice water over his head. At the same time as Mr Zuckerberg was giving himself a cold bath, Microsoft's chief executive, Satya Nadella, was being doused with icy water by a group of software developers. Before you panic that the world has spun off its axis, it should be noted these high-powered hijinx are for a good cause http://econ.st/VnMV5a

Silicon Valley today shares many parallels with Wall Street in the 1980s and '90s.

Wall Street's Lessons for Tinder and the Rest of Silicon Valley

The tech industry's workplace behavior issues look similar to those of...


As the Council on Foreign Relations reported recently, America continues to slip down the international rankings in education, falling during the past three decades from first to tenth in the educational level of those leaving high school, and from third to 13th for college students. Education technology could reverse this trend—if it is not jinxed by politics, bureaucracy and outdated institutional structures. Countries where it is not now have the chance to race ahead.
Egypt, Its Streets a Tinderbox, Braces for a Spark
In more than two years of postrevolutionary crises, the streets of Cairo have never felt so tense.

The London model
The Olympics
The city is trying to pull off a mightily ambitious games.

The Tinder Box of Asia, Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1933

Definition of jinx
Pronunciation: /jiNGks/

  • a person or thing that brings bad luck.


[with object] (usually be jinxed)
  • bring bad luck to; cast an evil spell on:the play is jinxed


early 20th century (originally US): probably a variant of jynx 'wryneck' (because the bird was used in witchcraft)


Pronunciation: /ˈhaɪˌdʒɪŋks/



  • high jinks
Line breaks: jinx
Pronunciation: /dʒɪŋks/ 

Definition of jinx in English:


A person or thing that brings bad luck:he regarded her as a jinx because she had lost her husband


[WITH OBJECT]Back to top  
Bring bad luck to; cast an evil spell on:the play is jinxed


Early 20th century (originally US): probably a variant ofjynx 'wryneck' (because the bird was used in witchcraft).
 Accomplish, bring off, especially in the face of difficulties or at the last minute. For example, I never thought we'd ever stage this play, but somehow we pulled it off. [Colloquial; second half of 1800s]


Line breaks: tin¦der

Pronunciation: /ˈtɪndə/


Dry, flammable material, such as wood or paper, used for lighting a fire:they slashed down the undergrowth for tinder[COUNT NOUN]: he lit it with a tinder




Old English tyndertyndre, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch tonder and German Zunder.

Definition of tinderbox


  • 1a thing that is readily ignited:dry winds and no rain have turned parts of the state into a tinderbox figurative food riots were a potential tinderbox in the c¹ity
2 historical a box containing tinder, flint, a steel, and other items for kindling fires.
1 《歴史》火口(ほくち)箱.
2 火のつきやすいもの;激しやすい人;紛争の可能性をはらむもの.

A tinderbox (approx. 3 in. / 7.5 cm in length) with firesteel and flint

US asks Japan to cover tab to move marines
The Japan Times
Washington is asking Japan to shoulder the full cost of relocating about 1500 US Marines from Okinawa to the Iwakuni air base in Yamaguchi Prefecture, according to sources. The request was made during talks reviewing the plan to realign the marine ...

For 2010, IDC Predicts an Apple iPad and Battles in the Cloud

IDC, a leading technology research firm, is trotting out its crystal ball. Among its tech predictions for 2010: Apple brings out a tablet computer, netbooks move upscale, and I.B.M. buys Juniper Networks.

trot out
Bring out and show for inspection and admiration, as in He trotted out all his old war medals. This expression alludes to leading out a horse to show off its various paces, including the trot. [Colloquial; first half of 1800s]


1 (衣服などの)たれ(飾り), つまみ, (靴などの)ひもの金具[輪].
2 つけ札, ラベル;(車のナンバープレートの)年度表示などのラベル.
3 ((略式))勘定(書);つけ
run a tab
Put it on my tab.
4 《コンピュータ》タブ.
5 《演劇》小型の下げ幕;引き幕(のつり輪).
6 ((米))(缶などの)あけ口の引き手, タブ(((英))ring-pull).
7 《航空》タブ:昇降舵(だ)などの後縁にある可動翼片.
8 (書類・帳簿などの索引の)耳, つまみ.
9 《英国軍》(参謀将校の)色つきえり章.
keep tabs [((時に))a tab] on ...
(1) …を帳簿につけておく, …の勘定をする;…をきちんと把握しておく.
(2) …に注意する, 監視する.
pick up the tab
(1) (…の)勘定[つけ]を払う((for ...)).
(2) 問題と進んで取り組む.
━━[動](〜bed, 〜・bing)(他)
1 …につまみ[たれ]をつける.
2 …を(…と)呼ぶ((as ...));…に札をつける, レッテルをはる.
3 ((略式))…を選び出す.


