2013年11月14日 星期四

becalm, calm, restful, unrest,rescue, perspective,

From anti-austerity movements to middle class revolts, in rich countries and in poor, social unrest has been on the rise around the world.

the sclerotic perspective

  Abe seems to recognize that Japan has been squandering its greatest foreign-policy asset — its democracy. Building a foreign policy around promoting democracy — and the rights essential to it — will require overcoming the sclerotic perspective of the foreign ministry mandarins. The response to Japan’s North Korea initiative shows that much of the world will welcome Tokyo assuming such a leadership role. John Kerry should encourage that.看來安倍意識到日本沒有利用好它最強的外交財富——民主。以促進民主進程及其包含的基本權利為核心,構建外交政策,首先需要克服的是外務省官僚的僵 化思維。日本此次就朝鮮問題發起倡議所得到的反響表明,很多國家是樂見東京擔負起這方面的領導職責的。約翰·克里應該對此加以鼓勵。



 3 [U][C]遠近感, (見た目の)釣り合い, 相対関係;(物の)見方, 視点((on ...));全体的に正しく見る[把握する]能力


Unrest Grows at Apple Supplier Foxconn
A fight at a northern Chinese factory campus owned by major Apple supplier Hon Hai Precision Industry escalated into larger-scale unrest, according to the company and local police.

The Murdochs' News Corporation looks likely to weather its scandal. But it may end up becalmed—and lose some crew to boot(55)

2010年4月25日星期日 siding, ululate, lick,recuperate, restful sanctuaries
In Army’s Trauma Care Units, Feeling Warehoused

Warrior Transition Units were intended to be sheltering way stations where injured soldiers could recuperate. But the units are far from being restful sanctuaries.

She also said her children planned to write a book from their perspective.

Reviewed by ARMOND WHITE
Molly Haskell’s feminist perspective comes to the rescue of “Gone With the Wind,” a film most academics won’t touch and current critics dismiss.

Royal Bank of Scotland will receive billions of pounds from the U.K. government, in a rescue deal that could be a model for other banks but will leave RBS nearly nationalized.

Cameron outlines new riot measures, financial aid for victims

Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed to crack down on rioters in the wake of the worst unrest in England in decades. In an emergency parliament meeting, Cameron outlined tough new measures to punish those responsible.

Police response criticized as public reacts to Britain's riots (11.08.2011)

Police monitor rioters' BlackBerry messages

Britain searches for answers as calm returns to the streets

'UK-style riots unlikely in Germany'

Britain's premier pledges to fight back after fourth night of riots

UK riots bring back memories in France

Air France pulled its offer for Alitalia, raising the stakes for Berlusconi to come up with a rescue plan.


rescue was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
air-sea rescue
Rescue Remedy

perspective:名詞,觀點,角度。 from my perspective:依我來看,從我的觀點來看。例句:From my perspective, it sounds a very good idea.(依我來看,這是個很好的主意。)類似的用法有:from where I stand; from my point of view; the way I see it。
    1. A view or vista.
    2. A mental view or outlook: “It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present” (Fabian Linden).
  1. The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision.
    1. The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole: a perspective of history; a need to view the problem in the proper perspective.
    2. Subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view: the perspective of the displaced homemaker.
    3. The ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance: tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.
  2. The technique of representing three-dimensional objects and depth relationships on a two-dimensional surface.
Of, relating to, seen, or represented in perspective.
[Middle English, science of optics (influenced by French perspective, perspective), from Medieval Latin perspectīva (ars), feminine of perspectīvus, optical, from perspectus, past participle of perspicere, to inspect : per-, per- + specere, to look.]
perspectival per·spec'tiv·al adj.
perspectively per·spec'tive·ly adv.
1 [U]透視図(法);[U]遠近法
draw pictures inout of] perspective
2 眺め, 眺望, 遠景.
3 [U][C]遠近感, (見た目の)釣り合い, 相対関係;(物の)見方, 視点((on ...));全体的に正しく見る[把握する]能力
seeview] things in their (right) perspective
get the matter into perspective
4 (将来の)見通し, 展望, 前途
They have no perspective onupon] events.
in perspective
(1) ⇒1
(2) ((比喩))正しい釣り合いで.
(3) 真相を正しく.
(4) 見込まれて.
[ラテン語perspectus (per-通して+specere見る)+-IVE. △RESPECT, INSPECT
(bĭ-käm') pronunciation
tr.v., -calmed, -calm·ing, -calms.
  1. To render motionless for lack of wind: "Across the harbor, a small sailing skiff, becalmed near some reeds, caught the breeze again" (Horace Freeland Judson).
  2. To make calm or still; soothe.


(käm) pronunciation
adj., calm·er, calm·est.
  1. Nearly or completely motionless; undisturbed: the calm surface of the lake.
  2. Not excited or agitated; composed: The President was calm throughout the global crisis.
  1. An absence or cessation of motion; stillness.
  2. Serenity; tranquillity; peace.
  3. A condition of no wind or a wind with a speed of less than 1 knot (1.15 miles per hour; 1.9 kilometers per hour), according to the Beaufort scale.
tr. & intr.v., calmed, calm·ing, calms.
To make or become calm or quiet: A warm bath will calm you. After the storm, the air calmed.

[Middle English calme, from Old French, from Old Italian calmo, from Late Latin cauma, heat of the day, resting place in the heat of the day, from Greek kauma, burning heat, from kaiein, to burn. N., from Middle English calme, from Italian calma, from Vulgar Latin *calma, from Late Latin.]
calmly calm'ly adv.
calmness calm'ness n.
SYNONYMS calm, tranquil, placid, serene, peaceful. These adjectives denote absence of excitement or disturbance: calm acceptance of the inevitable; hoped for a more tranquil life in the country; a soothing, placid tempermant; spent a serene, restful weekend at the lake; a peaceful hike through the scenic hills.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
[名][U]不安, 心配;(社会的・政治的)動揺.


  • 発音記号[réstfəl]
1 安らぎを与える
restful music
2 落ち着いた, 静かな, 平穏な, 平和な
a restful scene


