2024年6月23日 星期日

besieged, Under Siege Inside and Out, Does Not Budge

EU fails to get China to move on currency at summit

EU economic leaders put pressure on China to let its currency appreciate, but Beijing has refused to budge, saying it could hurt growth. Talks in China did lead to agreements on the environment.

Syria, Under Siege Inside and Out, Does Not Budge

Officials in President Bashar al-Assad’s government are clinging to the claim that they are besieged by a foreign plot, not confronted by a true popular uprising.

Soft Siege
Rana Mitter談
這位哈佛教授認為,軍事行動不是中共對台鬥爭的優先選擇。但是經濟和theological(泛指意識形態、各種滲透和操控)方面的soft siege 會不斷的加強。


(bŭj) pronunciation

v., budged, budg·ing, budg·es. v.intr.
  1. To move or stir slightly: The trapped child was stuck tight and couldn't budge.
  2. To alter a position or attitude: had made the decision and wouldn't budge.
  1. To cause to move slightly.
  2. To cause to alter a position or attitude: an adamant critic who couldn't be budged.

[Old French bouger, from Vulgar Latin *bullicāre, to bubble, from Latin bullīre, to boil.]

budge2 (bŭj) pronunciation
Fur made from lambskin dressed with the wool outside, formerly used to trim academic robes.

adj. Archaic
Overformal; pompous.

[Middle English bouge, from Anglo-Norman, from Medieval Latin bugia, probably from Latin bulga, leather bag. See budget.]


