2015年12月27日 星期日

belle, call girl, anonymous, faceless, Belle de Jour

Celebrate ‪#‎ChristmasEve‬ with this wood engraving after Winslow Homer, "Christmas Belles" (published 1869).

'The French people are stronger than you'

一位自稱「白日正妹」(Belle de Jour)的倫敦應召女,從六年前在部落格上發表自己的賣淫生涯,因為文字深刻洗鍊,不久就被出版商相中出書,後來還拍成英國電視劇「應召女郎的秘密日記」(Secret Diary Of A Call Girl)。 日前,這位應召女透過泰晤士報公開自己的身份, ...

[綜合報導]倫敦應召女自稱「白晝美女」(Belle de Jour),在網路上的部落格發表自己的”伴遊”故事。Belle de Jour它來自一部名導演布紐爾的經典電影片名《青樓怨婦》,由凱薩琳丹妮芙主演,內容正描述一名貴婦忽發奇想,在白天兼差賣淫的故事。 未料「白晝美女」部落格大受 ...

  1. Having no face.
  2. Without character or identity; anonymous: faceless soldiers guarding the compound; a faceless industrial conglomerate.
facelessness face'less·ness n.


novembre 15
Now I'm not anonymous...

Looking back over my diaries is sometimes embarrassing, sometimes hilarious (often unintentionally so). After a page or two I'm right back there – living in London, keeping up a double life, with all the effort that entails...

Which is just too difficult to do long-term. I suppose I always thought that the part of my life I wrote about would fade away, that I could stick it in a box and move on. Totally separate it from the ‘real me’.

What it took me years to realise is that while I've changed a lot since writing these diaries – my life has moved on so much, in part thanks to the things that happened then – Belle will always be a part of me. She doesn't belong in a little box, but as a fully acknowledged side of a real person. The non-Belle part of my life isn't the only ‘real’ bit, it’s ALL real.

Belle and the person who wrote her had been apart too long. I had to bring them back together.

So a perfect storm of feelings and circumstances drew me out of hiding. And do you know what? It feels so much better on this side. Not to have to tell lies, hide things from the people I care about. To be able to defend what my experience of sex work is like to all the sceptics and doubters.

Anonymity had a purpose then – it will always have a reason to exist, for writers whose work is too damaging or too controversial to put their names on. But for me, it became important to acknowledge that aspect of my life and my personality to the world at large.

I am a woman. I lived in London. I was a call girl.

The people, the places, the actions and feelings are as true now as they were then, and I stand behind every word with pride. Thank you for reading and following my adventures.

Love, Belle

belle (bĕl) pronunciation
A popular, attractive girl or woman, especially the most attractive one of a group: the belle of the ball.

[French, beautiful, belle, from Latin bella, feminine of bellus.]
Line breaks: belle

Definition of belle in English:


beautiful girl or woman, especially the most beautiful at a particular event:the belle of the ball


