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The odd couple
America should be much more confident in its dealings with its closest rival
Kodak Auction Makes Odd Bedfellows
auction of intellectual property has unexpectedly turned the fiercest
rivals—such as Apple and Google—into potential collaborators.
University of Cambridge 更新了封面相片。
Astronomy and oncology do not make obvious bedfellows, but the search for new stars and galaxies has surprising similarities with the search for cancerous cells. This has led to new ways of speeding up image analysis in cancer research.
Image credit: The District
strange bedfellows
A peculiar alliance or combination, as in George and Arthur really are strange bedfellows, sharing the same job but totally different in their views. Although strictly speaking bedfellows are persons who share a bed, like husband and wife, the term has been used figuratively since the late 1400s. This particular idiom may have been invented by Shakespeare in The Tempest (2:2), "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows." Today a common extension is politics makes strange bedfellows, meaning that politicians form peculiar associations so as to win more votes. A similar term is odd couple, a pair who share either housing or a business but are very different in most ways. This term gained currency with Neil Simon's Broadway play The Odd Couple and, even more, with the motion picture (1968) and subsequent television series based on it, contrasting housemates Felix and Oscar, one meticulously neat and obsessively punctual, the other extremely messy and casual. bédfèllow[béd・fèllow]
1 寝床を共にする人(bedmate).
1 [acquaint A with B]〈A(人)にB(新しい事実・仕事など)を〉熟知[精通]させる;知らせる, 教え込む;((〜 -self))〈Bに〉慣れる, 精通する
acquaint oneself with Western ideas
The teacher tried to acquaint his pupils with some great paintings.
2 〈人を〉(…に)紹介する((with ...)).
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