2014年7月9日 星期三

scareware, registry, pernickety,an untoward happenstance

 Adding to his delight, he found vegetables aren't as persnickety as, say, people are when they try out a massage chair. "Massage chairs are difficult. One person may say it feels good while the other may say the complete opposite," Mr. Tanizawa said. "Plants don't complain. They're so obedient and good."

The nameko game's popularity was largely happenstance. Beeworks created the amorphous, bucktoothed fungi with a short stem and spindly arms and legs as a side character in "Touch Detective," a 2006 game for the Nintendo DS. In the game, a young girl detective keeps the mushroom as a pet while solving mysteries.

 Apple Rejoins Green Registry
Apple said it was re-registering its products with a voluntary registry of green electronics, reversing course after a flood of criticism.

Google Wave search poisoned by scareware scammers
By John Leyden • Get more from this author Scareware slingers have poisoned search results for Google Wave in a bid to expose users seeking the ...
A warning message that pops up from a Web site that claims the user's computer is currently contaminated or not running properly. Scareware is a dishonest attempt to cause a user to purchase antivirus, registry cleaner or some other software that repairs problems or enhances performance. See spyware and wares.

Trial registries sound like a pernickety piece of bureaucracy. In fact, they could hardly be more important. When analysing any statistical finding, researchers must allow that sometimes remarkable patterns emerge by chance. Imagine that there are 20 researchers, each investigating whether mint humbugs cure cancer. Purely by happenstance, we'd expect one of the researchers to find evidence that they do. She'll approach a medical journal and get her fascinating results published. The other 19 researchers may not bother at all – or, realising that their research is destined to be published in The Journal of Uninteresting Results, they will drag their heels.
實驗註冊聽上去像一種麻煩的官僚作風。實際上,它們極為重要。在分析數據發現時,研究人員必須承認,不尋常的模式有時會意外出現。假設有20名研究人員,各自都在調查薄荷硬糖能否治愈癌症。純粹出於意外,我們預計有一位研究人員發現了肯定的證據。她會接洽醫學雜誌,將吸引人的結果公之於眾。另外19名研究人員可能會毫不介意,或者,如果意識到他們的研究注定將在《無趣結果雜誌》(The Journal of Uninteresting Results)上發表,他們會不合作。

(rĕj'ĭ-strē) pronunciation
n., pl., -tries.
  1. The act of registering; registration.
  2. The registered nationality of a ship.
  3. A place for registering.
    1. A book for official records.
    2. The place where such records are kept.

Definition of pernickety in English:


Line breaks: per|nick¦ety
Pronunciation: /pəˈnɪkɪti 


1Placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details; fussy:she’s very pernickety about her food
1.1Requiring a particularly precise or careful approach:the system does not encourage additional enquiries on detailed and pernickety points


early 19th century (originally Scots): of unknown origin.

meaning 'fussy, fastidious', is a 19th century word of Scottish origin which has spread to all English-speaking areas. In American English, the form persnickety is also used.

1 〈人が〉(小さなことに)こせこせする, こうるさい.
2 〈物・事が〉扱いにくい, 細心の注意を要する.


Syllabification: (hap·pen·stance)
Pronunciation: /ˈhapənˌstans/

Definition of happenstance


chiefly North American
  • coincidence:it was just happenstance that I happened to be there

     an untoward happenstance for Trudy

     Marriage loomed only as an outgrowth of happenstance; you met a person.


late 19th century: blend of happen and circumstance


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  • unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient:both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened untoward remarks







