2020年10月6日 星期二

business traveler, in person, redouble, indispensable, errand boy, Isn’t Actually That Good at Politics

The analysis said executives and business travelers estimated 28 percent of current business would be lost without in-person meetings. They said about 40 percent of prospective customers are converted to new customers with an in-person meeting compared to 16 percent without one.



in person, redouble, indispensable, errand boy

No Arab ambassador—perhaps no ambassador—has come close to matching Prince Bandar’s influence in the American capital. At the height of his powers he was indispensable to both sides: in Mr Ottaway’s words, “at once the king’s exclusive messenger and the White House’s errand boy”.

with the distraction of microsoft's unsolicited proposal behind us, we must redouble our efforts. we should focus our energies on continuing to execute the most important transition in our history. how will we do this? by executing against the strategies and priorities we already have in place, and by continuing to deliver indispensable experiences for our communities of users, advertisers, publishers and developers.

over the next several weeks, sue and i plan to visit as many offices as we can to thank you in-person for everything you've done and continue to do for yahoo!. we hope you're as excited as we are about the future that lies ahead for all of us -- together as one yahoo!.
~Jerry Yang's memo to Yahoo staff


verb [T]
to make something much more than before; to increase something:
The government, he said, must redouble their efforts to beat crime.
Something or someone that is indispensable is so good or important that you consider them to be essential:
This book is an indispensable resource for researchers.
His long experience at the United Nations makes him indispensable to the talks.

in person

If you do something or go somewhere in person, you do it or go there yourself:
If you can't be there in person, the next best thing is watching it on TV.

errand boy
a boy or young man employed by a shop or business to take messages, deliver goods, etc.

in person:片語, 親自;親自出現地。例句:You should come here in person tomorrow. (明天你必須親自來。)

Also, in the flesh. In one's physical presence, as in He applied for the job in person, or I couldn't believe it, but there she was, in the flesh. The first expression dates from the mid-1500s. The variant, from the 1300s, was long used to allude to the bodily resurrection of Jesus, but later acquired its looser meaning. Charles Dickens has it in Our Mutual Friend (1865): "The minutes passing on, and no Mrs. W. in the flesh appearing."


