If you are a
sci-fi comedy fan and a product of the '80s you can rejoice;
ALF is back. Today,
Warner Home Video celebrates the global release of the ALF Season One DVD! This fuzzy, brown alien from
Melmac first arrived on the scene in 1986 when he crash-landed into the Tanner family garage. Although his real name on the show is Gordon Shumway, he prefers the nickname ALF (Alien Life Form). The hit series follows the antics of this
extraterrestrial as he hides in a middle-class, suburban home, slowly learning to adapt to American culture. Some of his most memorable antics include whistling with his mouth closed, attempts at eating the family cat, Lucky, and retelling stories of his
Bouillabaseball team; a sport similar to Earth's baseball except with fish.
"Like my old skeelball coach used to say: 'Find something you're not good at, and then don't do it.'" —
Gordon Shumway, aka ALF
skeeln.A shallow wooden vessel for holding milk or cream. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] Grose.
akaabbr.also known as