2023年9月30日 星期六

putpocket, pickpocket. But in the end he was writing books on the pharoah and leaping among the rock tombs with true enthusiasm. Our obituary of the Egyptologist

At first, Professor Barry Kemp had little interest in Akhenaten. But in the end he was writing books on the pharoah and leaping among the rock tombs with true enthusiasm. Our obituary of the Egyptologist https://econ.st/3yVkbti

Photo: BBC

The Devil's Coven

coven, basic group in which witches are said to gather. One of the chief proponents of the theory of a coven was the English Egyptologist Margaret Murray in her work The Witch Cult in Western Europe (1921). According to her a coven consists of 12 witches and a devil as leader.


One who steals from pockets.

倫敦「樂施手」 塞錢到皮包 【8/19 22:59】

〔本報訊〕以往民眾出國旅遊時,總是得注意自己的錢包,避免被竊,但近日在英國倫敦卻出現了多名「樂施手」(Putpockets),他們會趁旅客不注意 時,偷偷將5鎊(約新台幣272元)到20鎊(約新台幣1089元)不等的紙鈔,塞進神經大條的旅客皮包內,讓發現錢的民眾大呼驚喜。


廠商請來20名前任扒手,除了幫助他們重新做人外,還將錢交給他們,讓他們在特拉法加廣場(Trafalgar Square)、科芬園(Covent Garden)和其他繁忙的觀光景點,將紙鈔塞入旅客口袋或是敞開的手提袋內。據悉,該計畫至少將散財10萬英鎊(約新台幣544萬元)。

1. A person who puts his/her belongings into someone's pocket, purse, or any other place on their body.


