2022年2月4日 星期五

switchback, overhang, hair-pin turns, sheer overhangs, Rail, Maritime and Transport




In Colorado, Switchbacks and 'The Shining'

The author negotiates daunting cycling trails and haunted hotel history on a trip to Estes Park, Colo.



Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT)

The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) is a trade union in the United Kingdom which unionises transport workers. It has more than 80,000 members, and its current general secretary is Bob Crow. It is one of Britain's fastest growing trade unions, increasing its membership by more than a third in the first five years of Crow's leadership.[1]

倫敦地鐵罷工 數百萬乘客受害
(中央社記者黃貞貞倫敦4日專電)不滿地鐵司機會員被開除,倫敦地鐵工會宣布,5月16日起一連5天及6月13日起一連5天,將分別發動大規模罷工,地鐵癱瘓將使數百萬名通勤族受到嚴重影響。 鐵路海事運輸工會(The Rail Maritime andTransport,RMT)指出,2名司機會員被資方不 ...
  • [mǽrətàim]
1 (航海・海運業の)海に関する, 海事の;(一般に)海の
maritime insurance
maritime law
a maritime history
maritime life
2 海に接する;海岸に生息する;海にすむ
a maritime city
a maritime people
3 船乗り特有の.
[ラテン語maritimus(海の(近くの). -timusは最上級語尾. △MARINE, ULTIMATE

Crossing the Carpathians using just pedal power

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: The Carpathian mountains provide a steep challenge to cyclists Cycling up the highest mountain pass in Romania, a treacherous stretch of road that includes hair-pin turns and sheer overhangs, might not be everyone's idea of fun. But that's exactly what Tom Wilson did!
Road D2204 ascends to the Col de Braus using hairpin bends in the Alpes Maritimes in the French Alps (43°41′58″N 7°22′50″E / 43.69944°N 7.38056°E / 43.69944; 7.38056)

The type of hair pin (bobby pin) from which a 'hairpin turn' takes its name.

Some of the 48 hairpin turns near the top of the northern ramp of the Stelvio Pass in Italy.

Hairpin turn on the Mont Ventoux in France

One of the most famous NASCAR tracks with hairpin turns was the old Riverside International Raceway in Riverside, California.
A hairpin turn (also hairpin bend, hairpin corner, etc.), named for

A hairpin turn (also hairpin bend, hairpin corner, etc.), named for its resemblance to a hairpin/bobby pin, is a bend in a road with a very acute inner angle, making it necessary for an oncoming vehicle to turn almost 180° to continue on the road. Such turns in ramps and trails may be called switchbacks in American English, by analogy with switchback railways. In British English 'switchback' is more likely to refer to a heavily undulating road—a use extended from the rollercoaster and the other type of switchback railway.


v., -hung (-hŭng'), -hang·ing, -hangs. v.tr.
  1. To project or extend beyond.
  2. To loom over: The threat of nuclear war overhangs modern society.
  3. To ornament with hangings.
To project over something that lies beneath. See synonyms at bulge.
n. (ō'vər-hăng')
  1. A projecting part, such as an architectural structure or a rock formation.
  2. An amount of projection: an overhang of six inches.
  3. Nautical. The part of a bow or stern that projects over the water.
  4. A supply of a commodity in excess of what can easily be disposed of: An unusually warm winter created an overhang in oil stocks.

上編有大石斜蓋著 (overhanging)


1 ジグザグ[つづら折り]の山道;((英))上り・下りの多い道.
2 《鉄道》スイッチバック.
3 ((英))=roller coaster.


