2018年4月1日 星期日

malleable, ductile, plastic, pliable, pliant. Plastic Arts/surgery

The term "psychobiography," which he did not originate, was also associated with his name. His most significant contribution, however, was the concept of a malleable ego in adults, a departure from traditional theories of an ego fixed early in life and persisting to its end.

Imaging running the world’s largest credit card network, and not having your own plastic.

plastic (money) noun [U]
credit cards or debit cards, rather than money in the form of notes, coins or cheques:
I'd prefer a restaurant where they take plastic.


顯然是造形藝術 (Plastic Arts)的誤會。

  1. Capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or pressure: a malleable metal.
  2. Easily controlled or influenced; tractable.
  3. Able to adjust to changing circumstances; adaptable: the malleable mind of the pragmatist.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin malleābilis, from malleāre, to hammer, from Latin malleus, hammer.]
malleability mal'le·a·bil'i·ty or mal'le·a·ble·ness n.
malleably mal'le·a·bly adv.
SYNONYMS malleable, ductile, plastic, pliable, pliant. These adjectives mean capable of being shaped, bent, or drawn out: malleable metals such as gold and silver; ductile copper; a plastic substance such as wax; soaked the leather to make it pliable; pliant molten glass.


