2021年2月24日 星期三

to warm, Big Oil Warms to Ethanol

Deng warmed to about 100 people.

Big Oil Warms to Ethanol
By CLIFFORD KRAUSS With demand for gasoline, and the ethanol that goes into it, expected to rise, oil companies are trying to benefit.

warm v., warmed, warm·ing, warms. v.tr.
  1. To raise slightly in temperature; make warm: warmed the rolls a bit more; warm up the house.
  2. To make zealous or ardent; enliven.
  3. To fill with pleasant emotions: We were warmed by the sight of home.
  1. To become warm: The rolls are warming in the oven.
  2. To become ardent, enthusiastic, or animated: began to warm to the subject.
  3. To become kindly disposed or friendly: She felt the audience warming to her.
n. Informal.

A warming or heating.


