2009年4月11日 星期六

“blood tax”, below-the-surface tensions

  • history of Bulgaria ( in Bulgaria: The “Turkish yoke” ) ...were lost. The Bulgarian nobility was destroyed—its members either perished, fled, or accepted Islam and Turkicization—and the peasantry was enserfed to Turkish masters. The “blood tax” took a periodic levy of male children for conversion to Islam and service in the Janissary Corps of the Ottoman army.

jaさがみハウス部:トマト・キュウリ無料配布 21日、藤沢市役所新館前 /神奈川
市が高騰分の一部を補助したこともあって無事に収穫期を迎え、の良いトマトやキュウリが採れた、jaさがみ提供。 渋谷部長は「市民のみなさんの血税で元気をもらい、今年もいい収穫期を迎えられそうだ。今は景気の急速な悪化でみなさんの生活が苦しい時。 ...

Worth Avenue in Palm Beach, Fla., is home to scores of exclusive fashion and jewelry shops — and a growing number of empty storefronts. Some multimillionaires are snapping wallets shut, too.
Maggie Steber for The New York Times

Recession Pain, Even in Palm Beach

The economic downturn, combined with the Bernie Madoff fraud, has reduced wealth in Palm Beach, Fla., adding to below-the-surface tensions in the town.

けつぜい 【血税】

    • (1)血のにじむような努力をして納めた税。また、過酷な税。
    • (2)〔1872年(明治5)太政官告諭の「西人之を称して血税とす。その生血を以て国に報ずるの謂なり」による〕徴兵。


