2009年3月6日 星期五

airspace, Unification Ministry, Ma Administration under the Gun

Ma Administration under the Gun
Relief over the end of the unpopular Chen Shui-bian's government has not translated into much of a honeymoon for the new Ma Ying-jeou administration.
In fact, the public remains just as vigilant in monitoring the new government, and it is not satisfied by the Ma administration's performance.

About 30 international flights a day usually pass through North Korean airspace to and from the South.
South Korea has called on the communist state to immediately withdraw its threat.
"Threatening civilian airliners' normal operations under international aviation regulations is not only against the international rules but is an act against humanity," Unification Ministry spokesman Kim Ho-nyeon said.

airspace,領空 Unification Ministry 統一" 不" 部本要裁 沒裁成

under the gun
Under pressure to solve a problem or meet a deadline, as in The reporter was under the gun for that article on taxes. This idiom alludes to a gun being pointed at a person to force him or her to act. [Colloquial; c. 1900]


