Toilet creations aren't new to China. The ancient Chinese may have been the first to use the throne — a flush toilet was found in a tomb of a Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C. to A.D. 24) king — and they invented toilet paper in the 6th century. Modern Toilet owner Wang Zi-wei, 29, an ex-banker, got his idea from the Japanese robot cartoon character Jichiwawa, who loves to play with poop and swirl it on a stick. Inspired by that image, Wang began selling chocolate ice cream swirls on paper squat toilets. Customers loved them and wanted more edible excretion experiences, so he opened Modern Toilet in 2004. The theme-restaurant chain now has seven outlets in Taiwan, one in Hong Kong and one opening in Shenzhen, China, this week. Plans for other cities in China, Macau, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are also under way. Dinner à la latrine, anyone? Edible Excretions: Taiwan's Toilet Restaurant
There are many amusing anecdotes about eels in Japan, perhaps because the dish has been prized by gourmets since the Edo Period (1603-1867). Take, for example, the one about the eel and the octopus that find a long and narrow leather bag used to sheath a sword. The octopus tells the eel it wants to use it as long johns.
The eel tries to keep it for itself, telling the octopus, "It's no use to wear long johns on only one of your eight legs." The octopus asks: "Then what do you want it for?" The eel replies: "To wear it as a fire jacket when I'm broiled."
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 24(IHT/Asahi: July 25,2008)
excrement, especially dogs' excrement on the ground in public places
Your puppy's just pooped right outside my front door.
à la
in the style of:
She has her hair blonde and curly, à la Marilyn Monroe. la·trine (lə-trēn')

A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks.
[From French latrines, privies, from Old French, from Latin lātrīna, privy, from lavātrīna, bath, privy.]
long johns
pl.n. Informal.Long, warm underwear.
WordNet: john
The noun has 2 meanings: Meaning #1: a room equipped with toilet facilities
Synonyms: toilet, lavatory, lav, can, privy, bathroom
I'm just going to the john - can you wait for me?Meaning #2: a prostitute's customer
Synonyms: whoremaster, whoremonger
n. - 盥洗室, 洗手間, 廁所, 嫖客
- John Bull 約翰牛, 典型的英國人
- John Doe 平凡人, 約翰多伊, 訴訟程序中對不知姓名的當事人假設的稱呼, 無名氏, 普通人
- John Hancock 親筆簽名
- John Henry 親筆簽名