For example, one might ostensively define an elephant for a child by taking him or her for a visit to the zoo, or one could give an ostensive definition of ...
第 233 頁
... and sought to indentify verification with some kind of process of ostensive definition. Thus the meaning of 'yellow' could be established by showing a ...
Lawmakers are working to split a politically charged, $40 billion effort to replace the Air Force's fleet of flying gas stations between Boeing and Northrop.
politically charged,
(of arguments or subjects) causing strong feelings and differences of opinion or, more generally, filled with emotion or excitement:
Abortion is a highly charged issue.
He spoke in a voice charged with emotion.
See also charged at charge (SUPPLY ENERGY).
solipsismn. Philosophy.
- The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified.
- The theory or view that the self is the only reality.
solipsistic sol'ip·sis'tic adj.

- 名
- 1. 《哲学》唯我論{ゆいがろん}、独在論{どくざいろん}
- 2. 自己中心主義{じこ ちゅうしん しゅぎ}
- methodologic solipsism
- methodological solipsismより転送
方法論的独我論{ほうほうろん てき どくが ろん} - methodological solipsism
- 方法論的独我論{ほうほうろん てき どくが ろん}
indentify 似應為 identify
An ostensive definition conveys the meaning of a term by pointing out examples. This type of definition is often used where the term is difficult to define verbally, either because the words will not be understood (as with children and new speakers of a language) or because of the nature of the term (such as colors or sensations). It is usually accompanied with a gesture pointing out the object serving as an example, and for this reason is also often referred to as "definition by pointing". Ostensive definitions rely on an analogical or case-based reasoning by the subject they are intended to.[citation needed]
For example, defining "red" by pointing out red objects -- apples, stop signs, roses -- is giving ostensive definition, as is naming. It is thought that children may learn a great deal of their language ostensively.[citation needed]
The adjective has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: manifestly demonstrative
Meaning #2: represented or appearing as such; pretended
Synonym: ostensible