2014年7月7日 星期一

liability, resultant , Limited Liability Company (LLC),

GM Liability Plan Challenged
Eight state attorneys general are opposing a provision in GM's bankruptcy plan that would free the auto maker from liability for vehicle defects.

編者按﹕格林斯潘曾任美聯儲主席﹐現任Greenspan Associates LLC總裁﹐曾著書《動盪的年代:新世界中的冒險》(The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World)。

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Company in which shareholders limit their liability exposure to their percentage of ownership or equity interest in the company. Shareholders' personal assets are protected in the event of business-related lawsuits. The tax situation for this type of company is much like that of the partnership in that it acts as a pass-through tax entity. A tax return for a partnership is filed with the IRS for information purposes only. All income and expenses are attributed to the stockholders of the LLC. According to the LLC agreement, the stockholders can allocate income and its resultant tax liability the same way as partners in a partnership.
The LLC has advantages over the subchapter "S" corporation to include the following: (1) LLC has no restriction on number of persons who may be stockholders; "S" corporations are limited to 35 stockholders; (2) LLC may have multiple classes of stock; an "S" corporation can have only one issue of stock; and (3) LLC may own subsidiaries; an "S" corporation cannot own subsidiaries.

這個問題的數學解,參考本人的書:《某些抽樣理論》"Some Theory of Sampling”(Wiley, 1950; Dover, 1984)"pp.454-466.文中提到的解。我引用了瑞利勳爵(Lord Rayleigh)論文和著作《論大量振動的數學物理學合力》 "On the resultant of a large number of vibrations, Phil Mag., vol, xlvii, 1899, pp.246-251 


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re • sult • ant
resultants (複数形)
1 結果としての,結果として生じる.
2 〈力・作用などが〉合成的な
the resultant force
1 結果.
2 数学物理学合力;数学終結式.


