2021年6月5日 星期六

libel, slander, stop by, stand by (DO NOTHING), slanderous acts from the US and the West.

“You criticised the slanderous acts from the US and the West. China appreciates this. We will also give Russia full political support to its defence of legitimate rights.”

Blogger Takes on Philippine Political Clan
An 18-year-old blogger's posts accusing a Philippine official of standing by as his two sons assaulted her family members on the golf course has triggered a libel suit -- a debate about golf etiquette.

Musée Rodin 新增了 4 張新相片
Les boiseries, emblématiques du décor baroque du musée Rodin ont été restaurées. Venez les admirer pendant les vacances !
The wood trim, a key feature of the baroque decoration of the Musée Rodin, was restored. Stop by the hôtel Biron during winter break !
noun [C or U]
a piece of writing which contains bad and false things about a person:
She threatened to sue the magazine for libel.
Compare slander.

verb [T] -ll- or US USUALLY -l-

libellous, US USUALLY libelous Show phonetics
libellous accusations

slander Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
a false spoken statement about someone which damages their reputation, or the making of such a statement:
The doctor is suing his partner for slander.
She regarded his comment as a slander on her good reputation.
Compare libel.

slander Show phonetics
verb [T]
to damage someone's reputation by making a false spoken statement about them

slanderer Show phonetics
noun [C]

a slanderous accusation/allegation/comment

stop by (or in)
phrasal verb of stop
  1. 1.
    call briefly and informally as a visitor.
    "a nurse stopped by her room to see if she was asleep"

stand by (DO NOTHING) phrasal verb
to allow something unpleasant to happen without doing anything to stop it:
We can't stand by while millions of people starve.
See also bystander.


