The concertmaster in a standard wind band is the first-chair clarinet, and leads the ensemble's tuning. The first-chair clarinet concertmaster will, in common practice, play all solos for their instrument. Often the lead flautist will receive similar responsibilities to the clarinet concertmaster, depending on several factors such as age, skill and time spent in the ensemble. The concertmaster will, in both orchestral and wind band settings, also coordinate with other principals and section leaders, in most cases being their senior in terms of group pecking order.
Even the Marshalsea has its pecking order and social intrigues, and the relationships between jailers and prisoners are as delicate and complex as those in the wealthiest bankers’ drawing rooms. Mr. Chivery (Ron Cook), the turnkey, has kept a watchful eye on the prison for decades, treating Dorrit, despite all his airs and delusions, with courtesy and also calculation.
Humans eat so many chickens that the birds now count for 23bn of the 30bn land animals living on farms
Find out how chicken became the rich world's most popular meat in one of our most-read articles of 2019
BBC News
Even the Marshalsea has its pecking order and social intrigues, and the relationships between jailers and prisoners are as delicate and complex as those in the wealthiest bankers’ drawing rooms. Mr. Chivery (Ron Cook), the turnkey, has kept a watchful eye on the prison for decades, treating Dorrit, despite all his airs and delusions, with courtesy and also calculation.
Humans eat so many chickens that the birds now count for 23bn of the 30bn land animals living on farms
Find out how chicken became the rich world's most popular meat in one of our most-read articles of 2019
BBC News
Birdman tops #Oscars pecking order...
In Japan, Television Viewing Doesn't Have to Take a Back Seat31
Vermont Town Shaken by a Co-op Killing
A shooting death in Brattleboro, a magnet for artists, hippies and healers, was unusual enough. But murder in the member-owned grocery store was beyond reckoning.
The jets disappeared off radar shortly after taking off from an air base in Hualien, eastern Taiwan.
The remains of three pilots have been recovered from the mountain crash site.
The military said it was investigating the accident but one official said it underlined Taiwan's need to purchase a more modern air fleet.
The aircraft - one RF-5 surveillance plane and a two-seater F-5F trainer - took off at 19:39 (11:39 GMT) and disappeared from radar 13 minutes later, the defence ministry said.
"We were fishing at the seaside when suddenly airplanes flew over our heads, and a moment later we heard a loud bang and the whole mountain was set on fire," one witness told the Taipei Times. "The explosion was very loud."
Wreckage from the planes was later found in the mountains and on a highway.
Overheard: Dot-coms in Fashion
One quick gauge of who's who in the fashion world is the seating order at a New York runway show. So when designer Timo Weiland presented his spring/summer 2012 collection at New York Fashion Week Sunday, it seemed dot-com folk are rising the ranks. Seated in the front row, usually reserved for senior magazine editors and celebrities, were two representatives from online fashion retailer Park & Bond, a division of Gilt Groupe that launched this summer.
位置的次序。引申為等級﹑地位。史記˙卷五十六˙陳丞相世家:「於是孝文帝乃以絳侯勃為右丞相,位次seating order第一。」
Google's Internet Techniques Inspire Studies of Food Webs
New York Times
By HENRY FOUNTAIN A major reason Google's search engine is so successful is its PageRank algorithm, which assigns a pecking order to Web pages based on the ...
Truman Capote understood our nineties dilemma - the dilemma of Love vs. the Deal - all too well. In Breakfast at Tiffany's, Holly Golightly and Paul Varjak were faced with restrictions - he was a kept man, she was a kept woman - but in the end they surmounted them and chose love over money. That doesn't happen much in Manhattan these days. We are all kept men and women - by our jobs, by our apartments, and then some of us by the pecking order at Mortimers and Royalton, by Hamptons beachfront, by front-row Garden tickets - and we like it that way. Self-protection and closing the deal are paramount. Cupid has flow the co-op.
Holly Golightly與Paul Varjak是《第凡內早餐》的男女主角,就如安娜.卡列尼娜、包法利夫人、林黛玉、薛畆釵似的,在讀者與觀眾心裏,早已化虛構為真實。Holly是被男 子照顧的女人,Paul是被女子供養的男人,但二人最後都為了愛情而放棄金錢。《金玉盟》裏的Nickie原也是被供養的男人,Terry是被照顧的女 人,最後兩人為了在一起而自力更生。Nickie自嘲為「painter」,以畫家為志向,以油漆匠來餬口,而Terry只有唱歌與教唱歌了。曼克頓的專 業女士卻為了工作、寓所、豪華餐館、漢普頓的海邊大宅,麥迪遜戲園的第一排座位而把自己給賣了。談生意比談愛情重要得多了。
pecking order
鳥の社会の序列, (人間社会の)力関係による階級組識.
pecking order
Meaning #1: (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregardedSynonym: unbroken
keep (POSSESS) Show phonetics
verb [T] kept, kept
1 to have or continue to have in your possession:
Do you want this photograph back or can I keep it?
Keep medicines in a locked cupboard (= Store them there).
See also well-kept (HIDDEN).
2 to own and manage a small shop:
My uncle kept a little tobacconist's in Gloucester.
3 If you keep animals, you own and take care of them, but not in your home as pets:
to keep pigs/goats/chickens
4 US to watch and care for someone's children while their parents are away:
Jody will keep the children while I shop.
5 keep your promise/word; keep an appointment to do what you have told someone that you would do:
I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it.
She phoned to say she couldn't keep her appointment.
6 keep a diary/an account/a record, etc. to make a regular record of events or other information so that you can refer to it later:
I've kept a diary for twelve years now.
Keep an account of how much you're spending.
7 keep a secret to not tell anyone a secret that you know
8 keep time (of a watch or clock) to show the correct time:
Does your watch keep good time?
9 keep goal to be the player who defends your team's goal by trying to prevent players from the other team scoring goals
plural noun INFORMAL
for keeps forever:
"Do you want it back?" "No it's yours, for keeps."
noun [C]
1 a person who takes care of animals or is in charge of valuable objects, a building, etc:
a zoo keeper
a lighthouse-keeper
2 UK INFORMAL a goalkeeper
keeping Show phonetics
1 in your keeping If something is in your keeping, you are taking care of it:
I left my word processor in her keeping when I went abroad.
2 in safe keeping being carefully looked after:
I left my son in safe keeping with my mother.
n. - 合作商店
A type of housing in which each tenant is a shareholder in a Corporation that owns the building. Also termed Cooperative.
Example: Upon moving to New York, Abel obtains an apartment in a co-op. This requires purchase of shares in the apartment corporation.
日本語 (Japanese)
abbr. - 生協, 生活協同組合店
Definition of back seat