2016年12月19日 星期一

off-white wove paper, light-gray

This #MewseumMonday, we're sharing Detroit-based artist, critic and teacher Charles Culver's drawing aptly named "Cat."
Image: "Cat," Charles Culver, 20th century, watercolor over black chalk and graphite pencil on off-white wove paper. Detroit Institute of Arts

Description: This recall involves the Intermatic in-wall electronic timers with model numbers ST01, ST01C, ST01AC, ST01AC70, ST01C70, ST01CL, EI600C, EI600LAC, EI600LAC8, EI600WC, and EI600WC8. This product is a lamp and appliance timer and typically takes the place of a standard wall switch. The timer is white, off-white, or almond and measures 2 1/2 inches high by 1 3/4 inches wide.

First, it's gorgeous. It's made of sleek black metal, which is a better margin around the light-gray reading screen than the Amazon's strange off-white plastic. And the Sony Reader does away with the vestigial thumb keyboard that makes the Kindle look strangely elongated.

verb (used with object)wove or especially for5, weaved; woven or wove; weaving.
to interlace (threads, yarns, strips, fibrousmaterial, etc.) so as to form a fabric or material.
to form by interlacing threads, yarns, strands, orstrips of some material:
to weave a basket; to weave cloth.

  1. a white colour with a grey or yellowish tinge.
    "a pair of off-white trousers"

The noun off-white has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a shade of white the color of bleached bones
Synonyms: bone, ivory, pearl

The adjective off-white has one meaning:
Meaning #1: tending toward white
Synonym: whitish
n. - 灰色がかった白色
adj. - 純白でない


