This #MewseumMonday, we're sharing Detroit-based artist, critic and teacher Charles Culver's drawing aptly named "Cat."
Image: "Cat," Charles Culver, 20th century, watercolor over black chalk and graphite pencil on off-white wove paper. Detroit Institute of Arts
Description: This recall involves the Intermatic in-wall electronic timers with model numbers ST01, ST01C, ST01AC, ST01AC70, ST01C70, ST01CL, EI600C, EI600LAC, EI600LAC8, EI600WC, and EI600WC8. This product is a lamp and appliance timer and typically takes the place of a standard wall switch. The timer is white, off-white, or almond and measures 2 1/2 inches high by 1 3/4 inches wide.
First, it's gorgeous. It's made of sleek black metal, which is a better margin around the light-gray reading screen than the Amazon's strange off-white plastic. And the Sony Reader does away with the vestigial thumb keyboard that makes the Kindle look strangely elongated.
to interlace (threads, yarns, strips, fibrousmaterial, etc.) so as to form a fabric or material.
to form by interlacing threads, yarns, strands, orstrips of some material:
to weave a basket; to weave cloth.
- a white colour with a grey or yellowish tinge."a pair of off-white trousers"
The noun off-white has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a shade of white the color of bleached bones
Synonyms: bone, ivory, pearl
The adjective off-white has one meaning:
Meaning #1: tending toward white
Synonym: whitish
n. - 灰色がかった白色
adj. - 純白でない