From Lane Greene, our language guru, examines some of the most famous presidential lies
2009年2月14日 星期六
oak-aged, big lie/ little lie, Steps Up Big Talk
The wine is aged for eleven months in 100% French oak barriques. ... Thirty
percent of the wine is fermented in French oak and aged eight months on the less
Rum is oak-aged for 1 to 10 years, depending on the style, then bottled at
anywhere from 80 to 151 proof. There are four basic styles of rum: light-bodied,
如果我不喝葡萄酒,恐怕一輩子也不會關注這些橡木疙瘩,什麼Tronais、Allier、Nevers……一旦酒標上印了“Oak Aged”就好像臭豆腐瓶上有“王致和”幾個字一樣。不過,橡木桶的名聲也有狼藉的時候。比如某些釀酒師經常自豪地宣稱:“我的葡萄酒來自葡萄園,而不是 橡木桶。”好像他釀酒只要摘果子就夠了。還有的品酒師強調:“這酒里橡木不是太多。”陰陽怪氣地將這話當成了褒獎。
With Obama in White House, North Korea Steps Up Big Talk
SEOUL, Feb. 3 -- Stinging insults, sudden cancellations of military agreements and dark warnings of "unavoidable" war are spilling out of North Korea almost daily. On Tuesday, news media reports here and in Japan said North Korea is preparing to test-launch a long-range missile capable of carrying a...
(By Blaine Harden, The Washington Post)
step sth up phrasal verb [M]
to increase the size, amount or speed of a process that is intended to achieve something:
The police are stepping up their efforts to fight crime.
Following the bomb explosion, security has been stepped up at the airport.
big lie
also Big Lie
n. Repeated distortion of the truth on a grand scale, especially for propaganda purposes: released falsified documents to bolster the big lie that no government troops were involved in the fighting.
Big Lie is a propaganda technique in which the lie is so complex that the public will either dismiss it as impossible or choose not to believe it out of willful ignorance. It was defined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf as a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously".
News Analysis
A Defiant Look at What Little Lies Ahead
The question of whether President Bush remains relevant coursed through an address that avoided any reflection on the legacy he is likely to leave.
age (PROCESS) Show phonetics
noun [U]
the process of getting older:
Her back was bent with age.
This cheese/wine improves with age.
Her temper hasn't improved with age!
age verb [I or T] UK ageing or US aging, aged, aged
She's aged (= She looks older) since the last time we met.
The brandy is aged (= left to develop) in oak for ten years.
aged Show phonetics
She has two rather aged aunts.
the aged plural noun
old people when considered as a group:
The hospital was built to meet the needs of the aged.
ageing, US USUALLY aging
an ageing Hollywood actor
the ageing process
aging computers/machinery
noun [C or U]
the period of time someone has been alive or something has existed:
Do you know the age of that building?
What age (= How old) is your brother?
I'd guess she's about my age (= she is about as old as I am).
She was 74 years of age when she wrote her first novel.
He left home at the age of 16.
I was married with four children at your age.
She's starting to show/look her age (= to look as old as she is).
I'm really beginning to feel my age (= feel old).
His girlfriend's twice his age (= twice as old as he is).
See also ages.
aged adjective [before noun]
of the age of:
They've got one daughter, Isabel, aged 3.