2021年1月27日 星期三

equity, inequity, Equality, job bias, net worth, draw the curtains


There were rumours that Churchman had been involved in a pay dispute with the corporation, and had brought in actors' union Equity. But no-one involved would confirm the story.
"Was Grace Archer coldly and calmly murdered - to rid the Archers of Ysanne Churchman?" The Daily Mirror asked.
"The BBC know the facts. So does Equity. And, of course, so does Ysanne Churchman. But, dead girls can tell no tales."

negative net worth

House Passes 2 Measures on Job Bias By ROBERT PEAR
Taking aim at a 2007 Supreme Court ruling, the House voted to give women new tools to challenge pay inequity.

The $50 billion takeover of Bell Canada, the largest leveraged buyout in history, collapsed late Wednesday night, drawing a curtain to the end of blockbuster private equity deals.

draw (= open or close) the curtains

adjective FORMAL
not fair; good for some and bad for others:
The current health care system is inequitable and unjust, with huge disparities between rich and poor.

noun [C or U] FORMAL
inequities in the health care system

  1. [名]
  2. 1 [U]((形式))公平さ,公正(fairness);公明正大;無私無欲
  3. 2 財産物件の純粋価格:諸経費を差し引いた額.
  4. 3 株式
    • equity capital
    • 株式資本,自己資本.
  5. 4 《法律》
  6. (1)衡平法:慣習法(common law)の欠点を公正と正義で補う英米法の体系.
  7. (2)[U]衡平裁定.
  8. 5 ((E-))((英))俳優組合(Actors' Equity Association).

Equality vs. Equity
今天拜登總統簽了一份行政命令,規定聯邦政府必須推動所謂的racial equity。這是我所知道第一次美國政府用“equity” 取代了“equality”。這兩個字一般都翻譯爲“平等”,但是從Aristotle就已經代表“正義”(justice)的兩種意義。按照Aristotle,正義的基礎是equality,但是equality并不是你發現了一個好東西,於是每一個人都發了一個,這就叫做equality。顯然的,不需要這東西的人,他并不會計較要有它,而説真的,他也不值得擁有它。另一方面,可能有人需要好幾個這樣東西,那麽你只准他跟別人一樣,只得到一個,使得他的工作沒有辦法得到改善或進步(或吃不飽),那麽這能真的叫做”平等“嗎?於是Aristorle就提出了equity 的觀念,按照每一個人的需要和能力來決定如何分配,好造成整體的好處,這才是一種真正的公平。

1 [C usually singularU] a tendency to support or oppose a particular person or thing in an unfair way by allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment:
The government has accused the media of bias.
Reporters must be impartial and not show political bias.
There was clear evidence of a strong bias against her.
There has always been a slight bias in favour of/towards employing arts graduates in the company.

2 [C usually singular] a preference towards a particular subject or thing:
She showed a scientific bias at an early age.

verb [T] -ss- or US USUALLY -s-
The judge ruled that the information should be withheld on the grounds that it would bias the jury against (= influence them unfairly against) the accused.

biasedUK ALSO biassed
showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinions:
The newspapers gave a very biased report of the meeting.
I think she's beautiful but then I'm biased since she's my daughter.
NOTE: The opposite is unbiased.

net worth

【会計】正味資産[財産], 純資産.

The amount by which a company or individual's assets exceed their liabilities.
Investopedia Says:
For a company, this is known as shareholder's (or owner's) equity and is determined by subtracting liabilities on the balance sheet from assets. For example, if a company has $45 million worth of liabilities and $65m worth of assets the company's net worth (shareholder's equity) would be $20m ($65m - $45m).

Alternatively, let's say an individual has only three assets, $100,000 worth of common stock, $30,000 worth of bonds and title to a $190,000 house. Conversely they have only one liability, $150,000 owing on their mortgage. The individual's net worth would be $170,000 ([$100,000 + $30,000 + $190,000] - [$150,000]).


