2023年4月6日 星期四

discipline, evangelise, harp on, evangelist, televangelist. Forget gentle parenting and discipline your 1-year-old,

Forget gentle parenting and discipline your 1-year-old, psychologist says https://wapo.st/3KCli4l


Stop touting this product this as coronavirus cure, New York attorney general tells televangelist

The president tells PBS' "The NewsHour" he's not going to harp on mistakes, U.S. military was "successful" in Iraq "without equivocation."

Google's 'Chief Internet Evangelist' sees bigger, faster Web

San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA

Now, as Google's Chief Internet Evangelist, Cerf's job is to keep up with the latest Internet technologies so his company can use them to build new services ...

Referring to the move away from Google in his blog, Fox said, “Will it be awkward when I talk with friends [made at Google] about the web and they have to censor themselves to prevent discussing confidential products? Even more novel, how easily will I adapt to working in an environment where we're far more open about the projects we're working on, to the point of evangelising them.”


noun [C]

1 a person who tries to persuade people to become Christians, often by travelling around and organizing religious meetings

See also televangelist at televangelism.

2 Evangelist one of the writers of the four books in the Bible about Jesus Christ



  1. an evangelical preacher who appears regularly on television to promote beliefs and appeal for funds.
, UK USUALLY evangelise Show phonetics

verb [T]

to try to persuade people to become Christians


━━ n. 福音; (E-) (聖書の)福音書; 吉報; =evangelist.
 e・van・gel・ice・van・gel・i・cal ━━ a., n. (時にE-) 福音書の[による]; 福音主義の; 福音(伝道)の; 福音主義者; (時にE-) 新教派の(人).
e・van・gel・i・cal・ism n. 福音主義(的信仰).
 e・van・ge・lism ━━ n. 福音伝道[主義].
 e・van・ge・list ━━ n. (福音)伝道者; (E-) 福音書の著者 ((マタイ,マルコ,ルカ,ヨハネ)).
e・van・ge・lis・tic a.
 e・van・ge・lize ━━ v. 福音を伝える, 伝道する.

harp on phrasal verb INFORMAL DISAPPROVING
to talk or complain about something many times:
He's always harping on about lack of discipline. I know you want to go to Paris. Don't keep harping on (about it)!


