2021年2月7日 星期日

balky, balkanized, magic wand. The balkanization of the cloud is bad for everyone

It threatens to erode what made cloud computing great.

The balkanization of the cloud is bad for everyone
Cloud computing is at a critical juncture. Millions of companies now

The First Three Weeks IF PRESIDENT Obama and his advisers had a magic wand rather than a balky, and balkanized, Congress, the dire recession would still be daunting. But the presidency does not come with a magic wand; nor, we have learned, is Mr. Obama, however talented, a wizard. (The Washington Post)

magic wand noun [C] 1 a small stick used by people who perform tricks for entertainment: He waved his magic wand and a rabbit appeared. 2 a quick and easy solution: She warned that she had no magic wand to solve the problem. 

  balkanize 巴爾幹半島化 balky adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Given to stopping and refusing to go on: a balky horse; a balky client.
  2. Difficult to operate or start: a balky switch; a balky engine.
balkiness balk'i·ness n.


