2021年4月20日 星期二

scathing, harangue, bash, thump, Birthday Bash, -bashing, Bible-bashing, Bible-thumping, thumping

Partly it is because he likes bashing places like Iran and Venezuela. But that is not the whole story

--- Familiar Quotation

He's a wonderful talker, who has the art of telling you nothing in a great harangue.


Happy Birthday Cornell! Finale of the Big Red Birthday Bash at Barton Hall. ‪#‎Cornell150‬
‪#‎Dailychart‬: This weekend Germans will mark the 25th anniversary of the breaching of the Berlin Wall with a celebratory bash. A generation on, Germans still debate the progress that has been made in bringing east and west together. But overall, according to polls, eastern Germans are still less content than westerners http://econ.st/1snmPcD


Huawei Fires Back at the U.S.

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei lashed out at a scathing congressional report, calling allegations that it may be spying on Americans and violating U.S. laws "little more than an exercise in China-bashing."

Gingrich Reshapes Landscape

Newt Gingrich's surprise thumping of Mitt Romney in the South Carolina Republican primary sets the stage for a prolonged and potentially messy fight to determine who will lead the party's campaign to defeat President Barack Obama.

36 Hours in Kuala Lumpur

With its looming skyscrapers, stellar cuisine and thumping night life, the Malaysian capital has emerged as one of Southeast Asia's most alluring metropolises.
I originally published Deming's 14-Point Theory in my 1993 book, Adbashing: Surviving the Attacks on Advertising.

The police say Professor Gates was arrested and briefly charged with disorderly conduct after he ignored warnings to stop haranguing an officer who had asked him for identification inside his home.

II 〔辛らつな〕
  • 辛口の批評
  • scathing [harsh] criticism

  1. [形容詞]
  2. 1 〈言葉などが〉容赦のない,痛烈な,冷酷な
    • scathing irony
    • 刺すような皮肉.
  3. 2 傷つける,害する(harmful).

A Bit of Caution Beneath the Thump

Temerity at the Top


If we want to encourage more economic growth, we could start by not bashing the few super-ambitious people at the top.
Stop bashing the business schools
Responses to certain defamatory accusations laid at the doors of business schools.

verb [T]
to criticize someone severely:
He kept bashing local government officials.

union-basher someone who strongly criticizes trade unions and tries to limit their power

union-bashing strong criticism of trade unions

someone who tries in a forceful or enthusiastic way to persuade other people to believe in the Christian religion and the Bible

adjective [before noun] (MAINLY US Bible-thumping)
She was born in the Bible-thumping Arkansas town of Lonoke.


Used as a disparaging term for a Christian, especially a fundamentalist or evangelical Christian, considered to be overly zealous in haranguing or censuring others.

Bible thumper (also Bible beater, Bible basher, Bible humper) is a pejorative term used to describe Christians in general, especially someone perceived as aggressively pushing their Christian beliefs upon those who do not share them. Its target domain is broad and can often extend to anyone engaged in a public show of religion, fundamentalist or not.
The term alludes to a preacher thumping his hand hard down on the Bible to emphasize a point during a sermon.

verb [T]
1 to hit someone with your fist (= closed hand), or to hit something and cause a noise:
He thumped him in the face.
He thumped on the door but nobody came.

2 heart thumps If your heart thumps, it beats more strongly and quickly than usual, because of exercise, fear or excitement:
She stood outside his room, her heart thumping.

3 head thumps If your head is thumping, you can feel pain in strong beats in your head:
When I woke up my mouth was dry and my head was thumping.

noun [C]
If he does that again I'm going to give him a thump (= hit him with my closed hand).
She fell to the floor with a thump (= the sound of something heavy falling).

adjective INFORMAL
thumping headache a pain in the head which is felt in strong beats


Line breaks: bash


Definition of bash in English:


1Strike hard and violently:she bashed him with the book[NO OBJECT]: people bashed on the doors
(bash something in) Damage or break something by striking it violently:the car’s rear window had been bashed in

1.2[NO OBJECT] (bash into) Collide with:the other vehicle bashed into the back of them
Fiercely criticize or oppose:the dispute will be used as an excuse to bash the unions


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1A heavy blow:bash on the head
party or social event:birthday bash
  1. (informal) a birthday party   ⇒ Are you coming to my birthday bash?

Example Sentences Including 'birthday bash'

He thought he might get some people round on Wednesday evening, have a bit of a birthday bash.
Vanessa Jones THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE (2002)
He's saying,'I thought I might get some people round on Wednesday evening, have a bit of a birthday bash.
Vanessa Jones THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE (2002)
3[IN SINGULAR] British An attempt:have a bash at this quiz


mid 17th century (as a verb): imitative, perhaps a blend of bang1 and smashdash, etc..

  1. A long pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering.
  2. A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade.

v., -rangued, -rangu·ing, -rangues. v.tr.
To deliver a harangue to.
To deliver a harangue.
[Middle English arang, a speech to an assembly, from Old French harangue, from Old Italian aringa, from aringare, to speak in public, probably from aringo, arringa, public square, meeting place, of Germanic origin.]
haranguer ha·rangu'er n.


