2008年12月18日 星期四

head out, test the water(s), force sb's hand, colony-forming unit, reconstituted

35 Iraq Officials Held in Raids on Key Ministry
The arrested officials, who included four generals, have been accused of quietly working to reconstitute Saddam Hussein’s Baath Party.

Rick Wagoner, G.M.'s chief executive for the last eight years, will join the heads of the Ford Motor Company, Chrysler and the United Automobile Workers in testifying before Congress on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The hearing comes as the newly reconstituted Congress is still divided on the issue of a separate bailout package for automakers.

Go to Article from The New York Times»

(中央社記者何宏儒台北2008年 4月15日電)財團法人中華民國消費者文教基金會抽檢北市公共場所兒童球池遊樂場,發現部分球池內的「球」,其細菌數竟與普通鈔票相當!其中,「路易士室 內兒童樂園」和「信誼基金會-親子館」,球表面「活細菌總數」更達1萬至10萬CFU(colony forming unit;菌落形成單位)/球 而「信誼基金會-親子館」另亦被檢出金黃色葡萄球菌。


━━ n. 植民地; ((集合的)) 植民(団); (同一職業・宗教・人種などの)集団(居住地), …人街 (the Japanese ~ 日本人街); (罪人などの)隔離区域; (the Colonies) 米国建国当時の13州 (Thirteen Colonies); 旧大英帝国領; 【生物】群体; 【生物】(細胞)集落.

Wikipedia article "Colony-forming unit".
In microbiology, colony-forming unit (CFU) is a measure of viable bacterial numbers. Unlike in direct microscopic counts where all cells, dead and living, are counted, CFU measures viable cells. By convenience the results are given as \frac{CFU}{mL}, colony-forming units per milliliter.


A dilution made with bacteria and peptoned water is placed in an Agar plate (Agar plate count for food samples) or Trypticase soy agar for clinic samples) and expanded in the plate following this pattern.
A dilution made with bacteria and peptoned water is placed in an Agar plate (Agar plate count for food samples) or Trypticase soy agar for clinic samples) and expanded in the plate following this pattern.
The theory behind the technique of CFU establish that a single bacteria can grow and become a colony, via binary fission. These colony are clearly different between each other, both microscopical and macroscopical. However, some bacteria do not separate completely during the sample preparation process (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus) and the results of the count will be below the number of individual cells using direct methods.


This technique allows the user to know how many CFU are per mL in the sample. Therefore, it allows knowing which is the microbiological load and the magnitude of the infection in humans and animals, or the degree of contamination in samples of water, vegetables, soil or fruits and in industrial products and the equipment.

Other applications

Irradiated mice can have their immune systems reconstituted by the injection of bone marrow cells from a non irradiated animal. The injected cells form colonies in the spleen (hence s), each colony representing the progeny of a pluripotent stem cell. Operationally, therefore, the number of colony-forming units is a measure of the number of stem cells.

See also

Miles and Misra method

GM Will Replace at Least Six Others on Board
At least six directors of GM will soon join former CEO Rick Wagoner in heading out the door, replacing a majority of the auto maker's board.

With General Motors burning through cash and auto sales sinking to historic lows, G.M. chief Rick Wagoner is pushing hard for a merger with Chrysler, after testing the waters for a similar deal with the Ford Motor Company, The New York Times reported.

May 7, 2008 -- 2:05 p.m. EDT
Microsoft Tests Waters on Facebook
Microsoft's bankers recently contacted Facebook to gauge the Internet company's willingness to sell Facebook to the software giant. Last year, Microsoft bought a 1.6% stake in the social-networking site.

While Mr. Wagoner said that G.M. had not considered bankruptcy protection as an option, the company’s increasingly dire cash position and plunging sales could force its hand. G.M. had the worst October of any automaker, posting a 45.1 percent drop.

“Clearly you can’t rule out bankruptcy,” said Erich Merkle, an analyst with the accounting and consulting firm Crowe Horwath. “In fact, it’s highly likely if there isn’t some sort of government action.”

force sb's hand
to make someone do something they do not want to do, or act sooner than they had intended

test the water(s)
to find out what people's opinions of something are before you ask them to do something

head out

1. Depart, begin a journey, as in The ship was heading out to sea, or When do you head out again?    
2. head out after. Follow or pursue, as in Since they knew the way, we headed out after them, or A police car headed out after the car thieves.

verb [T]
1 to change food that has been dried back into its original form by adding water:
The powdered milk/egg can be reconstituted by adding water.

2 to change an organization so that it has a different form:
The Health Education Council has been reconstituted as the Health Education Authority.


