Investors may be relieved that Tesco, the U.K.'s largest supermarket group. didn't issue a profit warning, as many feared. But they shouldn't get carried away.
margin test為該企業的毛利經得起考驗上文margin 極為 profit margin簡說
profit margin noun [C]
the profit that can be made in a business after the costs have been subtracted:
Many small companies operate on very narrow profit margins.

carry sb away phrasal verb
1 be/get carried away to become so excited about something that you do not control what you say or do:
There's far too much food - I'm afraid I got a bit carried away.
The manager warned his young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion.
2 [M] to cause someone to become very excited and to lose control:
The crowd were carried away by his passionate speech.