2023年3月9日 星期四

fabulous walk-in lantern, purist, nettlesome, Magic lantern, magick

are A December sunrise over Manhattan invites a meditation on how the sky, river and city combine to create a distinct landscape of colors.

Holland Cotter writes: At this dark time of the year, we like light. So we have festivals of light: Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve too, with its bright parties, and fireworks, and the fabulous walk-in lantern that is Times Square.

Photo: Librado Romero/The New York Times

The Magick of Physics: Uncovering the Fantastical Phenomena in Everyday Life


  1. archaic spelling of magic.


Threading the Taiwan Military Needle
Washington Post - United States
Should the United States be selling weapons to Taiwan now that Taiwan and China are getting closer? This is a nettlesome question that the Bush ...

Magic lantern
Wikipedia article "Magic lantern".
劉森堯先生在「《柏格曼自傳》序言/ 前言」 :「一九八七年,柏格曼於六十九歲之年出版他個人的自傳(原名《魔術燈籠》Laterna Magica),總結了他一生的特出行誼以及多采多姿的藝術創作歷程。……」(Ingmar Bergman 著「柏格曼自傳」( Laterna Magica),劉森堯譯,台北:遠流出版,1994)

我想,應該會有人跟我這位朋友提, Laterna Magica者也,即是二、三百年前的東西,它是現代幻燈機和電影放映機的前身。翻譯成《魔術燈籠》,似乎有點幽默啦!
No one has suggested that anyone at Dow Jones traded on the information, and indeed, many people outside the company were also aware of the bid before it became public knowledge. Both Dow Jones and News Corporation said on Friday that they had received a subpoena from the New York State attorney general and an inquiry from the S.E.C.

Still, The Journal's decision raises a nettlesome issue for the media: What are a news organization's obligations to report important market-moving news about itself or its parent company before the news is officially disclosed?

Go to Article from The New York Times>>


adj.adj. - 令人煩惱的, 易怒的, 煩人的
Causing irritation or distress; vexatious.

noun [C]
someone who believes in and follows very traditional rules or ideas in a subject: 常指語言文風等
Although purists may object to split infinitives, like 'to boldly go', the fact is, they are commonly used.
Purists eat smoked salmon with nothing more than lemon and black pepper.

noun [U]



八成】。我們要談的這本,雖然在google scholar上是他群書中引用較少的,不過,有機會讀它,卻可以作為綜觀史景遷先生著作內容大要和才情之起點,因為這是作者至1991年著作25年的一要覽。

書目; Jonathan D. Spence(史景遷)著,《中國縱橫:一個漢學家的學術探索之旅》(Chinese Roundabout: Essays in History and Culture),夏俊霞等譯,上海遠東出版社,2005年


這書,從書名到構造,似乎有點呼應費正清先生的書和想法。不過費正清先生的Chinabound比較清楚,這本Chinese Roundabout的英文封面,大書一「史」字。整本書的用意和自喻成「洞穴中的兔子拼命累積些東西(作品)」,可以參考「前言」,至於翻譯成「中國縱橫」,不知道切題與否?

書前引Wallace Stevens的詩 "An Ordinary Evening in New Haven"之部分,當然("An Ordinary Evening"和 "New Haven")為作者自道之雙關語,不過我未讀原書,不知道翻譯上意思表達如何。




這本書有些主題和人物環環相扣(諸如康熙和他特別提拔的「第一清官」事件等等—又,此「清官」英文為a purist--意思是:真正的意思是過於居泥某些原則之正確…)、互相呼應強化,所以「索引」就相當重要,可是也從缺。


  1. Large enough to admit entrance: a walk-in closet.
  2. Located so as to be entered directly from the street: a walk-in apartment.
  1. A room large enough to admit entrance.
  2. An easily won victory, especially in an election.
  3. Slang.
    1. One who walks in without having an appointment.
    2. One, such as a spy, who initiates defection from one's own country to another, usually hostile country, without having been encouraged to do so.


