FCC Chair To Support XM-Sirius Merger
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin J. Martin said yesterday that he will support a merger between the nation's sole satellite radio operators, XM and Sirius, a decision that could remove the last regulatory hurdle in the lengthy and heavily criticized move to make the companies one.
(By Cecilia Kang, The Washington Post)
這SOLE 後加複數名詞 讓我思考良久
日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - たった一つの, 単独の, 独占的な, 唯一の
n. - 足の裏, 底, 裏の部分, シタビラメ, 足底
v. - 底を付ける
sole (ONLY) Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
1 being one only; single:
My sole objective is to make the information more widely available.
The sole survivor of the accident was found in the water after six hours.
When 'Airport Business' Is a Ticket to Less Traffic
John Van Vliet commutes from Harpers Ferry, W.Va., to Alexandria every day. And almost every day he stops at Dulles International Airport, not to catch a flight, but to buy a 99 cent cup of coffee at the sole gas station on airport property. He makes sure to get a receipt.
(By Eric M. Weiss, The Washington Post)
2 not shared with anyone else:
She has sole responsibility for the project.
I have sole charge of both children all day.
solely Show phonetics
only and not involving anyone or anything else:
I bought it solely for that purpose.
It seems he's not solely to blame for the accident.
The product's success cannot be attributable solely to the ads.
這 "docking station"原指筆記型電腦的"本家" 即將pc插入 其功能可以大為提升 譬如說 2000年的Think Pad (IBM)機型 或可以有DVD Player 甚至於還有磁碟機...
Mayor Delanoë’s latest front in the anti-car war is the bicycle. Last week, more than 10,000 stolid, gray-painted bicycles (no Tour de France speedsters) became available for rent at 750 self-service locations across Paris. The cost is modest, less than $1.50 for a one-day pass, about $7.50 for a week and about $43.50 for a year — and the bikes can be dropped off at any docking station. The number of bikes is supposed to double by the end of the year. Already in their first week, the bikes are all over central Paris, many carrying commuters — and, yes, some New Yorkers. (An outdoor advertising company paid for everything in return for exclusive use of city-owned billboards.)
I Love Paris on a Bus, a Bike, a Train and in Anything but a Car
A transit bus (US) (also known as a commuter bus, city bus, or public bus) is a bus used for public transport purposes. The roles and specifications of transit buses are not clear cut, and vary with operator and region.