"This is the most exciting news story of the year and then the reality of the day to day is a lot of schlepping around to Holiday Inn Expresses (and) eating out of your lap in plastic containers."
bittersweet VICTORY
The New Yorker
Rebecca Mead on the artistry and popular charm of Beatrix Potter, and the discovery of the author's “lost” book.
Bittersweet Fruit
NEW YORK Just before Marie Brenner's brother died, he tried to eliminate as many traces of himself as possible. He schlepped his computer's hard drive to the dump. He spent hours erasing entries from his calendar. No correspondence that so much as hinted at intimacy would be left for his only sib...
(By Bob Thompson, The Washington Post)
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- 1.haul or carry (something heavy or awkward)."she schlepped her groceries home"
- 1.a tedious or difficult journey."a rush hour schlep to the airport and back"
- 2.another term for schlepper."all the schleps who say that 2010 was the beginning of a new decade are wrong"
schlep (-pp-), schlepp
verb [I or T; + adverb or preposition] MAINLY US INFORMAL
to move yourself or an object with effort and difficulty:
Do I really have to schlep all that junk down to the cellar?
schlep, schlepp
something that takes a lot of effort to do:
It's a real schlep getting it all home.
A Light in the Attic
Last night while I lay thinking hereHere in the attic of Shel Silverstein you will find Backward Bill, Sour Face Ann, the Meehoo with an Exactlywatt, and the Polar Bear in the Frigidaire. You will talk with Broiled Face, and find out what happens when Somebody steals your knees, you get caught by the Quick-Digesting Gink, a Mountain snores, and They Put a Brassiere on the Camel.
Some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
And pranced and partied all night long
And sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?...
From the creator of the beloved poetry collections Where the Sidewalk Ends and Falling Up, here is another wondrous book of poems and drawings.
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (MOT), where it's currently on show, has even provided capes to prance around in and music on headphones to get visitors in the mood. But on a recent visit there was nary a dancing art savant in sight. This is a shame, since the show, organized in-house by chief curator Yuko Hasegawa, is very much worth the shlepp.
WordNet: nary
The adjective has one meaning:
Meaning #1: (used with singular count nouns) colloquial for `not a' or `not one' or `never a'
Not one: “Frequently, measures of major import . . . glide through these chambers with nary a whisper of debate” (George B. Merry).
[Alteration of ne'er a.]
or schlepp also shlep
v., schlepped or schlepped also shlepped, schlep·ping or schlepp·ing shlep·ping, schleps or schlepps shleps.
v.tr.v., schlepped or schlepped also shlepped, schlep·ping or schlepp·ing shlep·ping, schleps or schlepps shleps.
To carry clumsily or with difficulty; lug: schlepped a shopping bag around town.
To move slowly or laboriously: schlepped around with the twins in a stroller.
- An arduous journey.
- A clumsy or stupid person.
[Yiddish shlepn, to drag, pull, from Middle Low German slēpen.]
v., pranced, pranc·ing, pranc·es. v.intr.- To spring forward on the hind legs. Used of a horse.
- To spring or bound forward in a manner reminiscent of a spirited horse.
- To ride a horse moving in such a fashion.
- To walk or move about spiritedly; strut.
To cause (a horse) to prance.
The act or an instance of prancing.
[Middle English prauncen.]
prancer pranc'er n.prancingly pranc'ing·ly adv.