2008年9月3日 星期三

Tripped Up by Confidence Gap

Despite Strides, Women Still Tripped Up by Confidence Gap
(By Michelle Singletary, The Washington Post)

Word Tutor: tip-up

IN BRIEF: adj. - Constructed so as to angle up or out of the way.

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tip (ONE SIDE HIGHER) Show phonetics
verb -pp-
1 [I or T] to (cause to) move so that one side is higher than another side:
The table tipped and all our drinks fell on the floor.
If you put too many books on one end of the shelf, it'll tip up.
Don't tip your chair back like that, you'll fall.

2 [I] If something tips over from something into something else, it stops being the first thing, and becomes the second:
At various points in the play, the action tips over from comedy into farce (= stops being amusing and becomes ridiculous).


