2008年9月21日 星期日

Check-Out Girl Spills the Beans

EuroVox | 22.09.2008 | 05:30

French Check-Out Girl Spills the Beans in Memoir

You might think that a book about working as a supermarket cashier would be as interesting to read as watching paint dry. In France, one young woman has written of her experiences in "The Trials and Tribulations of a Check-Out Girl".

Author Anna Sam recounts the exchanges between cashier and customers - who are often accused of being at worst rude and ignorant, and at best, indifferent.

But far from being dull, the book could prove a big hit for Anna Sam if the success of her website is anything to go by. It could also show the life and work of downtrodden cashiers in a new way.

Reporter: Alasdair Sandford


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spill the beans
to tell people secret information:
So who spilt the beans about her affair with David?


